I love these houses and their gorgeous bits of fun :) The pink house
below was snapped by photographer Marianne Kjølner in Denmark.

I love a bit of wonk too... aren't these trees amazing? This picture was
taken by Kurt Manley. It reminds me of the Cat in the Hat movie :)

Re: feeling blue... I'm not allowed to talk about what's happening on
"public forums" but perhaps I can hint that nasty things are happening
with my shop.
what's going on Kylie?? I really hope you are ok and those pink houses go some way to cheering you up xx
Not happy to hear that, but loving those houses! They are like little illustrations :-)
I'm emailling you. x
So cute houses! I'm thinking of a fairytale, when I see them.
Hmm, curious what's happen out there. Hope it will be good for you at the end.
LOVE those trees too! And boo to not feeling happy... just send 'em my way - I'll thump them for ya!!!
Well, you sure know how to cheer me up. But I'm a bit worried about you. I can just tell, whatever it is, involves a great dollop of something you could cheerfully live without. (Hang in there, kiddo?).
don't let it get to you lovely. xxx
gorgeous Kylie,
But OH NO I hate to think of any nastiness happening to you. or your shop.
if you need to talk you know whre i am xo
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear you're getting sucked into that stuff. I'm only vaguely following it right now, but I've seen enough to know it isn't pretty. Hang in there, and keep enjoying the wonky shrubbery in the meantime. :)
super cute houses! I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with nastiness - hope it all works out.
I am sorry to hear of nasty things going on with the shop. I hope it all clears up soon! I love looking at houses for cheering up. I believe its a daily practice!XX
Hi Kylie, it is so nice. I too want to live there!
~ Herman Swan
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