I've just happened upon these amazing photos - all by James and Karla Murray - and by some freaky coincidence we've been chatting about New York all night... We've been over at my sister's home for dinner and she and her partner are going to NYC very soon. We'll be looking after their two gorgeous little boys who are 5 and 3 years old... it will certainly be a shock to our all-girl-child household! They are just wonderful kids, the cousins adore each other and it'll be school holidays, so I'm not worried... really ;)
I love New York too! What classic diners!
LIttle boys have lots of energy. Good luck!
Good luck with the 2 little boys...you'll be fine Auntie Kylie! And thanks for the NYC images...classic x
I love those photos!
I was there by myself for a few days inbetween London and NZ, years ago! Would looove to go back with someone this time!
The kids will have great fun being together especially being the hols!
New York is a place I'd love to visit, one day maybe...
The kids will get on like a house on fire I'm sure, it'll be fun!
Little boys are hysterical - you are going to love it. Just have lots of food on hand!
I have kind of a different outlooks on this article. I agree with the author but some points I have different views on.
Gorgeous photos. I can't believe how many people are travelling to NY these school holidays. Lucky buggers.
What beautiful typography! i would love to have just one letter of these on my livingroom wall :)
these photos are sweet. happy to find your blog. please stop by and say hi!
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