My little sister Belinda turns 40 this week and we've been looking over some old photos. This is my favourite - absolute favourite - photo from my childhood... my sister and I playing in the cubby house our dad made for us (we're the two blondies and that's our cousin Jodie on the right). I've been pondering over what it is that makes a particular pic our most favourite... is it the cubby house? Surely not those fluffy pink and red ribbons ;) Do you have a favourite photo from childhood? Is there a reason why it's special or does it somehow embody the spirit of childhood as a whole? ... just wondering :)

oh so sweet! I can see why do you like this photos so much... they are adorable! I don't think I have the favorite photo from my childhood but I like to watch them since some of them are like some portals to childhood times. You know, I see a photo and know exactly what was happening or what was on my mind... you know... they make you remember things. :)
Have a lovely day dear and thank you for sharing. *
Oh I forgot those ribbons!! I was sometimes allowed to wear one that had been my mums I adored the soft fluffiness of it! Your photos are lovely.
i love this post
I love photos like these from the 70's. You guys look great - and the cubby house is brilliant!
I have a floppy hat exactly like your mums!x
Every one of 'em are treasures! Is it the ordinary, incidental stuff that brings back the flood of memory? Meanwhile, that teddy in the top pic is utterly fabulous.
Lovely photos Kylie. Funny because my sister just turned 40 and I think you and I are about the same age... your photos looks very similar to mine, very 70s!
I don't think I have just one favourite but several. I'll have to dig some out.
Such sweet photos! For me, photos of my childhood take me back to a simpler time, carefree, and without responsibilities (well except for sweeping duck and goose droppings from the porch and sidewalk, slopping the pigs, and picking out stray gravel from the yard and putting it back in the driveway--dad let nothing go to waste).
Lovely nostalgic photos of an aussie childhhood in the 70s. They made me smile and look back. Thankyou :)
Great photos, I love looking back and trying to remember.
Hi Kylie - I love those photos! There's something about the colours in old childhood photos. Just gorgeous. My favourite photos tend not to have me in them - nothings changed there I'm afraid! ha ha. hope you're keeping well. xo Kristina
What brilliant snaps!! As the 4th child, i barely feature in any childhood photos, so cherish those!! I make sure ALL of my children has group, individual, twins together, twins seperate, with mum, with dad, all 6 of us kind of snaps!! Ahhhh . . . memories!! Just love that when my sister turns 40 i'll still be her little sister!! Love Posie
Awwww ... how very, very sweet!
those photos are very touching...they look so much like my sister and I at that age
I love those photos from the 70's, I have a lot of them, I dunno if I have a favourite, I like them all, I guess it's because they remind me of the way I was as a child!
Really nice post kylie, thanks :)))
Have a nice WE.
These photos of your childhood are magical - filled with sunshine and smiles. It makes me want to dig out the old albums. I hope the birthday celebrations for your sister were fun!!!
this makes me smile kylie, how gorgeous. i was just looking at mine, i'll bring them along next time we meet... x
Sweet indeed :) And the photos are gorgeous, what a lovely tone in them!
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