There's been a lot of crocheting going on hereabouts... I'm currently working on
the 11th out of the 20 cushions ordered. I still have a baby blanket to do as well,
so not quite halfway yet.
It's been quite a lesson in staying focussed for someone like me who seems to flit
around from one idea to the next ;)

I haven't quite managed to stay focussed though... I've been crocheting some
more covert bunting... My cousin had a baby girl the other day, so I dropped
everything to get together a little something for her. (Thank goodness I have
so many triangles I've already crocheted in my stash).
I tried something slightly different from last time. What do you think of the white
border?... or does it look better plain?

As per usual, though, when I must be doing something all I can think about is
something else ;) I've been dreaming about getting back to printing some fabric.
Hope you've been doing fun things?
Wow, so many pretty colors! Your fingers must hurt from all the hooky business! Hope you can finish 'em in time.
Thats alot of work there Kylie!! Wow!
I like the bunting both ways, so I'm no help...
I've been painting chairs, theres still loads to go, but I've just about had enough of it! Off to get some spray paint this week - much easier!XX
Your blog is fantastic and I just want to leave a footprint behind me.
Peace & Light
Agneta, a swedish one ,)
Your ripple cushions look just beautiful Kylie.
gorgeous images kylie, cushions are going to be divine.
I Know the feeling Kylie.
But you know what with 20 cushions + a baby blanket to do I think even Mother Teresa would be a bad blogger.
Loving the looking of everything here, your cushions are all so stunning and your way with colours.
Im so thrilled so many people are wanting them though not surprised at all.
glad to hear your human too, and wander off. No help though I love the bunting both ways! xo
Loving the wavey crochet.
I like the white boarder on the bunting more. But I thought it was fab before the edge was even invented. So I'm probably of no help what so ever!
Beautiful work :-)
It is looking breath taking. Love it:) It is indeed hard to keep focused on just one project but now it is an order for someone else.... you can do it!
love that blue and white
from one bad blogger to another...;-) The cushions are looking just dreamy, Kylie and as for the bunting, both are gorgeous, but think I'm just leading towards the one without white...keep that hook workin', lady ;-)
11 of 20, no wonder you are getting distracted! I have a commission for ten identical pendants and I know that will be difficult without a break in focus. Luckily they are simple pieces, because I can't sit at my bench properly with my big tummy!
The bunting is very sweet too. Congratulations to your cousin and her family. :)
have been wondering how you're going with your big order. very well by the looks ~ completely understand the distraction! you listening to lots of music/talking books??
the bunting is gorgeous!
have fun with the next ones :)
I love the bunting with the white frames. It's totes gorgeous! And look at all that work on your gorgeous zigzag cushions! Well done you!
Looks fantastic. I really like the purple shade. And I do like the white border on the bunting--it's just a different look, but not in a bad way. :)
perfect crochet and that bunting is adorable :)
Hi Kylie,
It is good to be busy... I've been a bad blogger myself and just "dropped" in to say hello. I'm so glad that your crochet work has become so popular.
Best wishes!
Oooo... plain or bordered? That's a tough one because they both look fab... but I think maybe plain. Mmm.. not sure.
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