They have placed an order for 20 cushions... and it's all come out of last Thursday's post!

I think the word for how I'm feeling is bemused ;)
The best part is that they insist on paying me what they are worth (wow!)... no more
simply covering costs with a little extra on the top... it's strange even contemplating it ;)

What to do with my pricing on Etsy though? Do I leave that at subsistence levels,
ie. just covering costs? It's a difficult question. Maybe if I don't have the same
products crossing over in both arenas I can get away with keeping things as they
are on Etsy? So, from now on Etsy prices will be like mates-rates for fellow Etsians :)

As you've no doubt noticed by now, the red ripple is finished and made up into a
cushion with natural linen and red buttons on the back. My other good news from
today is that someone has already asked to buy it :)

I don't know why I feel so guilty to be feeling so happy... How ridiculous am I?
Hope you are having a wonderful day and week too.
It's not ridiculous, Kylie! It's wonderful and heartwarming to get such lovely news & feedback! Congratulations. :) The cushion looks stunning!
I always find it very tempting to sell in shops/galleries - it's the ego that gets stroked - but I hardly ever do because of my prices. I rather sell to my customers directly and keep my business small and doable then double my prices and sell to shops and galleries. It's a personal thing everyone has to decide for themselves... Goodluck in finding the balance, sweet!
congrats Kylie!! well deserved, your crochet work wonderful xx
Kylie, that is so very fantastic!!!!!!!! I am so excited to hear that. I'm going to email you about the rest, but first I want to bags my place in the queue for a ripple cushion. Put me on the list after the stockist please.
And then I'll save up for a triangle cushion too, because well, that's on my wish list as well :-)
Thats amazing- congratulations!!!
Woo hoo!! Huge congratulations, Kylie - you can add bona fide cushion maker to a lon list of excellent attributes! Seriously: that shop is sensible - they are little works of art and no guilt necessary :)
Kate x
wow, Kylie, big congratulations! and very worthy too. These are just beautiful and so glad that they are paying properly for them too. It's tricky about pricing tho, but I think you have to keep them the same. Fantastic, excited for you!!!
OH Kylie such wonderful and exciting and big news!! I'm so happy for you and literally smiling.
Not that I'm surprised. But it's fabulous when truly talented people are seen and valued.
ANd no you are not ridiculous at all, ok made only a little but in the best best way xo
Congratulations! That's super news :) No need to feel guilty at all... enjoy being happy! :)
Aargh! I've only just seen this now - how fabulous Kylie! I bet that is such a strange feeling! So so good though!XXXJ
woo-hoo! that's great kylie. the constant juggle with prices is very familiar. my wholesale price can't be too low otherwise it's not worth doing it, but then the retailer wants to sell it for more than it is in my etsy do i put etsy prices up to please the retailers? or keep them low-ish as it's working so far. can't please everyone!
really pleased for you kylie, you deserve it! x
Congratulations! That is just such fab news. What an amazing stockist, they are so few and far between. Why don't you put the etsy fees up a tiny bit to make you feel better about the whole thing, but not so much as to scare people!
So exciting, Kylie! Good for you! I'd imagine you keep your prices as they are for now, and then as you get more and more famous maybe you can go a little higher on Etsy too. ;) Congrats! (It's well deserved.)
fantastico. well done.
You'll have more lining up in no time I'm sure! Hope you've got lots of time for creating! I always find pricing difficult, go with your gut and there's nothing wrong with adjusting prices as you go along. If you get too busy put them up (although that recently had the opposite affect for me...). Will you be putting some of these cushions in your shop? Love the green you're working on!
How utterly brilliant!! I'm so happy for you Kylie. Your designs are fabulous and seem to get better with each new version.
Enjoy this new level of success!
Well done...congratulations on the order and you should be over the moon
BIG CONGRATULATIONS! Hey, totally understand where you are coming from though - craft is so hard to price - there is that sense that we should only charge for the materials - crazy!!!!!! Be happy - go with this!
great news kylie! well done! i'm sure we all understand your happiness!
Such nice news Kyile, congratulations! You'll have to work hard now because I'm sure more will follow ;) Love the red waves!
congratulations !!!!I know exactly what you mean about feeling guilty to be happy- but don't let it continue- be happy, be happy, be happy! Your work is brilliant and you deserve it all!
Oh how fantastic!! Congratulations Kylie, so very well deserved! : )
i am soooo happy for you!! you are AMAZING :)
all the best
fantastic news! congratulations kylie. you are by no means ridiculous! so excited for you : )
fabulous, sooo happy for you- well deserved.... x
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