these involve screen printing and this orange number somehow came out of it.

I began by printing with fluorescent yellow... but this was all but invisible
except in the sun. (And don't get me started on lining up a screen to print when the
rest of the printed pattern has disappeared into the fabric!)

So, I overprinted with fluorescent pink... but it's kind of bland too. Another sun shot
here... too proud to show it's real dowdy self.
I think the more I use the computer the more I see colour in my mind as this
back-lit explosion of vivid brilliance... which is obviously not the case in real life ;)

Next, out came the trusty embroidery floss... my attempt to add texture and colour
brilliance to lift the bland-ness. I do rather like it but it can't be meterage... too high
maintenance. So, they are going to be bags.

And I've accidentally ticked another job in my to-do list for someone I said
I'd make a bag for. The others may go in the shop or they may end up as
xmas presents.

I've only made up the front and back panels so far but I am pleased with how
they are shaping up.

Note: flash photography can sometimes imitate that back-lit screen look ;)
What's in your creative space this week? See more here.
It is really stunning -the design is gorgeous.
I love what you've turned this into. Things not working how we want, can sometimes turn out even better!!x
bummer about the fluro, it's so beautiful! the stitching makes them so special. love it :)
Great problem solving . The colour and pattern combinations really came through - great work!!
I think you've solved your "problems" quite well. I like the print, even if I'd have to use it only in the sun. :)
I love the layering! Great resolution to the issues you faced. And the added stitchery is perfect. :)
Well done on the accidental gift!! Looks fabulous with those striking straps, love Posie
looking fab, all the embellishment and am sure the gift will be greatly received ;-)
Love them! Get them in the shop quick smart!!
I love the over print of organe on the yellow it looks great :)
Love it completely, the colour and the embroidery. Wow!
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