happen for a long time. Alisa mentioned having a month of finishing (MOF) a
couple of weeks ago and I decided it was long overdue for me too.
Do you remember this skirt? It's from way back in January. A crochet hexagon
make-it-up-as-you-go-along kind of skirt.

Of course, the problem with those kind of craftings is that they so often go
wrong. It's been sitting in my craft room for months now... ever since I realised
that my improvised waistband had made it about two sizes too big....
The original idea was to draw it together with some braid... but there's only so far you
can draw crocheted hexagons and the clumpy look was not good.
Then I decided my clumpy waistband would actually look quite sweet
as the hem edging... so I flipped it around.
(It was love at first sight. I knew it would come in handy!) ... and so it has :)
I cut off a strip less than the skirt width (winging it again) and sewed it to the
now-top of the skirt. There was a cheat factor here, though – I didn't have
any more of the yarn, so instead of crocheting half-hexes to make a straight
edge, I sewed along and cut off half of every second hex ;)

One finished crochet hexagon skirt with shirred fabric waistband :)
I can't believe how it all seemed to come together this time... serendipity.

What have you been up to in your creative space? Visit here to see more.
It is gorgous. This is exactly how I approach most projects!
...and it looks fantastic! And that shirred fabric was made for it - exactly the same colour too!
oh i love your skirt. this is so cute.
Ha! I love a sneaky craft fix and you have pulled this off beautifully. Another gem in your crochet crown. :)
PS. I notice this also counts as finishing a previously discarded object, so more points for that too of course!
I LOVE it! Fantastic. What a wonderful skirt to start the spring :) Brilliant.
You are so clever and creative. Admiring your style big time from here.
Oh my gosh - that is so clever and super pretty! Well done.
It's fantastic and I love the way you improvised with the waist/hem.
oh wow! it looks fabulous!
great improvisation, sometimes winging it is the only way to go!
Oh! Oh! Oh!.....far out freaking fabulous!!
What a fab solution! The skirt looks lovely on you. It's funny but sometimes problem solving leads to the most creative and innovative solutions!
That is so clever Kylie! The waist line looks so smooth - brilliant!!x
Wow that looks great! It's always great when you fine a solution to something that has been hanging around unfinished for ages :)
That's great, who knew crochet could look so stylish in a skirt? I love the colour too!:)Sam
STUN- NING! And my god you're a clever chook, i really do believe there is no challenge to big for you Kylie xo
Well done. It looks fantastic!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Your skirt is just gorgeous! What a fab addition to your wardrobe.
What a great skirt. It's great to find a solution that works.
i love that colour. you lost me though.. so you lined the inside, and sewed and cut the hexies? are you crazy? (( and brilliant?))
ive been looking for a similar crochet jackety open weave type pattern, you know im seeing them in all the expensive shops now. they look gorgeous and i know i could make if ever could find the pattern for one... (love the skirt).x
beautiful, love how it all came together in the end, and perfect timing with the gorgeous spring weather!
it looks amazing!! love how you finished it with fabric ~ so clever and skillful.
That's what they call a unique garment! Absolutely stunning, Kylie! :)
Looks beautiful. The shirred fabric was perfect.
innovative and chic! great post!
Oh wow! That's fantastic! What a great idea to turn it around and add fabric - I love it.
Oh happiness, it feels so good when you finish a project and the result is fantastic. Bravo Kylie!
You can do magic with your hands. I think there is no better crocheter than you at the moment. Wow! All the things you post are beautiful:)
Wow, that skirt is just gorgeous!!!
That was finally a success and looks great!
I love this skirt Kylie, it looks gorgeous on you, well done!
That really did turn out lovely, I love the understated grey with the texture of the crochet pattern... perfect!
You genius Kylie! It looks FAB and really suits you.
Go girl! Go MOF! xx
excellent problem solving Kylie. I love this skirt!
It really is a stunning piece and suits you so well.
I also adore the cushion in the post below.
Gorgeous work.
I hope you have the happiest weekend. x
Oh look, there's my painting Sisters...oops I mean your painting! It looks lovely at your place Kylie ;-)
so pretty Kylie and it looks great on you! sensational idea about the waistband, you could diy yourself out of any fix for sure.
i'm thinking those are some cool necklaces hanging on your mirror, is that right? i love the felty bits and yellow bobbled beads - very rad. ♥
Beautiful!! Clever you.
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