Tuesday, November 30, 2010


What a wonderful city... We had such a great time in Melbourne. My brother's wedding was just gorgeous, we caught up with friends and even had time to do a few things about the place... like visit the Mark It market. Thanks to Kirsty and everyone else who suggested going here – it was fabulous :) and it has to be admitted that, yes, I've contributed substantially to the Victorian economy.

Most exciting find was new-to-me Jen Hall Designs. Loved her brooches and earrings. Also thanks to Skulk of Foxes who let me take the photo below of their amazing stall.

No trip would, of course, be complete without a random favourite graffittied sign. Watch your step... and your manners :)

Favourite purchase... acrylic daisy chain necklace from Dick and Dora on my mannequin below with a dress I'm currently working on.

Oh and thanks Melbourne for being so deliciously chilly and rainy... (no, I'm serious)... I've returned to a hot and humid Brisbane and seriously considering moving to Melbourne :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Creative Space - Silver slip

I'm joining in with Kirsty's My Creative Space meme again this week. Visit Kootoyoo to play along too.

My creative space this week was all about sewing. My eldest daughter and I found a couple of cute dresses in a sale but, as we are both quite tall, they were a tad on the short side. So... I've been making slips. I guess that's an old fashioned word for them... I try to make them in lovely fabrics so that they hold their own, so to speak... a sumptuous extra layer that gives the ensemble a bit more length...

We're off to Melbourne tomorrow for my brother's wedding. We'll also be catching up with some friends and maybe even have some time to look around - any quick suggestions of must-sees?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bush week

We went for a bush walk this morning... I've been going through the 'mean reds' lately and obviously in need of some physical exercise to clear my mind. 

It was the Mr's idea and the Little One was very enthusiastic. The Big Girl and I cast around for reasons as to why we couldn't possibly take part in such a 'fun' activity but were out manoeuvred on every twist and wriggle ;)

I often wonder what tourists actually do in Brisbane... I think we met a few of them this morning getting a taste of the Australian bush without having to go out into the wilderness, so to speak. Maybe they thought it was the wilderness?... I know I did! ;)

Okay, I admit it... it did look beautiful. We've been having so much rain recently it was actually quite lush. Plenty of blooms and seed pods and I got to indulge in my bark fetish* as well.

And we found a hidden face in a tree trunk... very bear-like I thought.

Any Brisbaner will no doubt be laughing their heads off here... 'Slaughter Falls?! You call that the bush?' It was bush enough for me guys :) 

[click on image to see signs of life!]

If you can still see signs of life and there's a road sign with the magical word 'city' on it, that's my kind of bush :))

 What did you get up to this fine Sunday?

*Said bark fetish involves just photographing the texture, okay? ;)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I was at my youngest's class on Friday helping out with their Christmas Craft Day. We made snowflakes from paper and then screen printed them on t-shirts. I think the girls had fun. Thanks to Ms Seear for letting me hang out at school :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Creative Space (literally)

Have I ever shown you my 'room'? I don't think I have... probably because it hasn't been tidy in a looong time ;) Hidden away in an easily-missed corner of our home, it's the size of a very small bathroom. No room to swing a cat (as they say) and all the screen printing and sewing etc gets done on the dining room table, but still... it's my space :) The kids have to ask permission to enter (I still get a kick out of that - that they actually do ask!) It's so chaotic and messy, but this is the best it's ever looked (note: you can actually see desk top and floorboards - amazing). The little window looks out over the back garden.

I've just gone through my fabric stash and gifted three massive bin bags to charity, and still have seven 110 litre containers and seven 50 litre containers full of fabric (all colour-sorted, of course!) How does one person accumulate so much? My daily reminder of my very privileged life...

Find more creative spaces over at Kirsty's.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Inspiration: Miranda Skoczek

I'm quite enamoured with the work of Melbourne artist Miranda Skoczek at the moment. Her mixed media pieces (especially those with a layering of textiles) are singing a tune that they really should be up on my walls! :) You can see more of Skoczek's beautiful work on her website. I'll be drooling over some of these pieces at her forthcoming exhibition in Brisbane at the Edwina Corlette Gallery.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Inspiration: Cocon


A lovely find last night... Cocon. The puppets are divine, as are all the items in their shop... but for me it's these gorgeous fabric trees and branches. They have a blog too.

 via this wonderful blog :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Creative Space - T designs

I'm playing with some Atomic patterns for my Tees. These are xmas presents for some great kids I know.

Having some fun playing with my triangle blocks and making them squares and diamonds.

I love the way the silver fabric paint only leaves remnants of metallic when block printed :)

See more Creative Spaces at Kirsty's.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Architectural T-shirts

This is not new (I think it hit the blog world last year), but it's new to me and I am swooning :) I'm loving the architectural constructions in these t-shirts. The T-shirt Issue was the brainchild of Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski, who digitally scanned three people and combined this data with a digital twin of the body that reflected a particular thought or memory. (Sounds quite incredible - don't ask me about the validity of this technology!)

Anyway... apparently the 3D data from the scans was translated into a 2D sewing pattern and pieced together using sweatshirt jersey to form the embodiment of these memories into a garment especially for them... wanting to be raised by wolves... the air in one's bathers... and memories of a special encounter.

You can find out more by visiting Mashallah Design or The T-Shirt Issue websites.

via mocoloco

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shop news

I've put some Atomic T-shirts for kids in my shop if you want to have a peek :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

my Creative Space - bag no.4

I'm playing along with Kirsty's creative space meme this week - visit Kootoyoo to play too!

Finished is bag no.4 in my Atomic Green fabric and lined in an Ikea fabric.

I forgot to sew in a change pocket and I was having one of those "I'll remake the whole bag rather than unpick it!" moments, so I made a little purse instead. My girls are clamouring for pencil cases now.

Here's to happy accidents! Have a great creative space day :)