Tuesday, November 30, 2010


What a wonderful city... We had such a great time in Melbourne. My brother's wedding was just gorgeous, we caught up with friends and even had time to do a few things about the place... like visit the Mark It market. Thanks to Kirsty and everyone else who suggested going here – it was fabulous :) and it has to be admitted that, yes, I've contributed substantially to the Victorian economy.

Most exciting find was new-to-me Jen Hall Designs. Loved her brooches and earrings. Also thanks to Skulk of Foxes who let me take the photo below of their amazing stall.

No trip would, of course, be complete without a random favourite graffittied sign. Watch your step... and your manners :)

Favourite purchase... acrylic daisy chain necklace from Dick and Dora on my mannequin below with a dress I'm currently working on.

Oh and thanks Melbourne for being so deliciously chilly and rainy... (no, I'm serious)... I've returned to a hot and humid Brisbane and seriously considering moving to Melbourne :)


  1. I know you're serious. Chilly and rainy is just the way I like it too. Glad the drizzly city was kind to you possum!

  2. glad you had a fun trip collecting good things. we've had rain every weekend {except 1} for the last 2 months or so!!
    love your new necklace + dress in the works.

  3. When you have fun, in spite of rain and chilly weather, it has been a good day. Love that daisy necklace and dress in progress.

  4. Melbourne has that effect on me too. I love it and also seem to enjoy contributing to their economy. LOVE the daisy necklace!

  5. It sounds brilliant Kylie!I am happy you had such a good trip! Love the graffiti!:) And,if you want chill and rain, come to Vancouver! We have had lots of that around here too lately! XX

  6. my sis lived in melbourne for 5 years, it's a really great town. hard to leave i imagine. x

  7. delishly chilly?? you ain't seen nothing girl! due to be -4 tomorrow...snow n all ;-) Glad you had a great trip and seems like you spied out some fab artwork...can't wait to see more of that dress either x

  8. looks like such fun!! i have soooo been wanting to go to melbourne. my birthday is in the end of january....right at the same time as the australian open. i keep campaigning with my husband...telling him it would make the perfect birthday gift. maybe one day!!!
