Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bush week

We went for a bush walk this morning... I've been going through the 'mean reds' lately and obviously in need of some physical exercise to clear my mind. 

It was the Mr's idea and the Little One was very enthusiastic. The Big Girl and I cast around for reasons as to why we couldn't possibly take part in such a 'fun' activity but were out manoeuvred on every twist and wriggle ;)

I often wonder what tourists actually do in Brisbane... I think we met a few of them this morning getting a taste of the Australian bush without having to go out into the wilderness, so to speak. Maybe they thought it was the wilderness?... I know I did! ;)

Okay, I admit it... it did look beautiful. We've been having so much rain recently it was actually quite lush. Plenty of blooms and seed pods and I got to indulge in my bark fetish* as well.

And we found a hidden face in a tree trunk... very bear-like I thought.

Any Brisbaner will no doubt be laughing their heads off here... 'Slaughter Falls?! You call that the bush?' It was bush enough for me guys :) 

[click on image to see signs of life!]

If you can still see signs of life and there's a road sign with the magical word 'city' on it, that's my kind of bush :))

 What did you get up to this fine Sunday?

*Said bark fetish involves just photographing the texture, okay? ;)


  1. That bear face is so cute! Good spotting.
    I love the blue of youre berries , it doesnt look real, does it?

    P.S. We went for a walk to the beach.

  2. Your bear made me laugh. Well done to the two Arm Twisterers.

  3. Hilarious! So glad you ended up enjoying yourself m'girl! Some gorgeous piccies (love the trunk foursome), and who cares if it's essentially still brisbane city - looks the piece! And yes, the bear is very funny.

  4. Oh I would love to be there (typical tourist) although I'm not that "walking" girl, but it just looks phantastic and the bear is great.

  5. you did a good thing going bush!! i'd need my arm twisted too. lovely photos, specially the bear + flowers :)

  6. The textures of the trees! And that bear head :)

  7. What a wonderful place to be! loving your bear x
