Monday, November 8, 2010

Architectural T-shirts

This is not new (I think it hit the blog world last year), but it's new to me and I am swooning :) I'm loving the architectural constructions in these t-shirts. The T-shirt Issue was the brainchild of Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski, who digitally scanned three people and combined this data with a digital twin of the body that reflected a particular thought or memory. (Sounds quite incredible - don't ask me about the validity of this technology!)

Anyway... apparently the 3D data from the scans was translated into a 2D sewing pattern and pieced together using sweatshirt jersey to form the embodiment of these memories into a garment especially for them... wanting to be raised by wolves... the air in one's bathers... and memories of a special encounter.

You can find out more by visiting Mashallah Design or The T-Shirt Issue websites.

via mocoloco


  1. Wow... these are incredible. I do love the head merging from the shoulder.

  2. New to me too - because you're my style/design/new finds guru. Utter brilliance (and in this case I'm not fussed about techno validity!

  3. Thanks for posting this Kylie. It's my first time seeing these incredible constructions.

  4. These are completely amazing! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. this is so unbelievably amazing! how can someone think of something so unusual? I love that! thank you so much for sharing!

  6. wauw! i had never seen it before. Beautiful constructions!

  7. These are so beautiful Kylie - what amazing finds! I can see yo urocking one of those t shirts - but in black, of course!
