Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Creative Space (literally)

Have I ever shown you my 'room'? I don't think I have... probably because it hasn't been tidy in a looong time ;) Hidden away in an easily-missed corner of our home, it's the size of a very small bathroom. No room to swing a cat (as they say) and all the screen printing and sewing etc gets done on the dining room table, but still... it's my space :) The kids have to ask permission to enter (I still get a kick out of that - that they actually do ask!) It's so chaotic and messy, but this is the best it's ever looked (note: you can actually see desk top and floorboards - amazing). The little window looks out over the back garden.

I've just gone through my fabric stash and gifted three massive bin bags to charity, and still have seven 110 litre containers and seven 50 litre containers full of fabric (all colour-sorted, of course!) How does one person accumulate so much? My daily reminder of my very privileged life...

Find more creative spaces over at Kirsty's.


  1. lovely well organized space! (I LOOOOOOOOVE SEING OTHERS ACTUAL WORK SPACE =))

  2. I love your desk and lamp!!
    You've really used the space well, its amazing how much you can fit in a small space.xx

  3. Having your own space just for making stuff must be great and yours looks very organised! My place is much more chaotic.

  4. It makes me feel so much better to see that others have massive stashes of craft stuff too - you never know when you might need that old vest in an unusual shade of green right?? I've started storing some under the house, in the garage all the while muttering "not good feng shui....". Love that lime green lamp shade. Thanks for the sneak peek!

  5. what a sweet and well organzied space!!xo

  6. Looks like a very creative that worktable!

  7. It's nice to be able to have your own space just for you and it's great how much your children respect that too. Thanks for letting us have a peek into your space.:)

  8. I love seeing other makers' spaces. It looks so cozy and bright!

  9. I bet you know how to lay a finger on every single thing - even when you can't see the table top. I always lose stuff when my space is clean. Oh woe! What do you reckon that says about my brain?

  10. it looks like a very creative spot! i still have to clean mine ...

  11. you are so good getting in and tidying up + lucky not to have to share your space with another {who might want to open the window, eeeek!!!!}. love the curtain and horns and lovely things hanging from the horns.

  12. Wow, I love it. So many bits, makes me feel better too about all my stuff. Though mine would never be that organised and I seem to spread out however much space I have!

  13. Where would we be without shelving & tubs!! Love Posie

  14. Would you mind coming to fix my space up ? Yours looks great !

  15. I love that your stuff is all in one spot. But i am scared this is the room i am destined to take up as this takes me over...@

  16. do you know what I feel exactly the same about my privileged be surrounded by beautiful fabric and to get to play with it all day long, is indeed a privilege.

    (yes, I have read Carol Shields' books - all of them! and agree about the beautiful 'Unless' - I should reread it too xx)

  17. I had a chuckle reading 'spectacularfairywren's' comment...and my thought was 'if we don't control the space it controls us'. You have control of the room, well done! (At least for today..he!he!)

  18. I should be working but I was so tempted by the title of your post that I just had to have a look. I too just cleaned up my studio space and took note of my huge stash of fabric!!!
    I love it that your daughters ask permission to enter. You've taught them respect and that is a wonderful gift.

  19. Ooooh yeah, a girl needs a room of her own. Mine is also stuffed to the gills like yours.

  20. Lucky you having your own space 'and' so much stuff. I can imagine you being very happy in there Kylie.
    Thanks for reminding me about Carol Shields, it's been a while.

  21. Wow! You sure know how to use a small space! I so love seeing creative work spaces, where the magic is born! Thanks for sharing it : )

  22. wow creative space looks so well organized! I love your space you must feel great being there and creating...
