Thursday, November 4, 2010

my Creative Space - bag no.4

I'm playing along with Kirsty's creative space meme this week - visit Kootoyoo to play too!

Finished is bag no.4 in my Atomic Green fabric and lined in an Ikea fabric.

I forgot to sew in a change pocket and I was having one of those "I'll remake the whole bag rather than unpick it!" moments, so I made a little purse instead. My girls are clamouring for pencil cases now.

Here's to happy accidents! Have a great creative space day :)


  1. ha ha that's so funny, Kylie! And that's so something I would do too! Really love this's so stunningly vivid x

  2. That's my favourite Ikea fabric and doesn't it look perfect with your Atomic! Love the little purse too, matches perfectly :-)
    How cool we are overlocker twins ;-)

  3. Another brilliant combination!
    Sooo love the stripes in there(have i mentioned that before?) Yes, we have requests for pencil cases frequently for presents these days!x

  4. How awesome are your bags!! I have a secret fettish for ikea fabrics -they're so thick and luscious.


  5. Really loving seeing all your bags Kylie! They are just so beautifully made, with so much thought and care - love that the interiors are just as incredible as the outside! Glad you're having such a blast with it all! xoxo hugs, and have a great weekend (not long now!) Kristina xo

  6. So dang bright and vibrant, Love them.

  7. I just love your bags, very cool.

  8. these bags are so impressive. just love them!

  9. you are on a roll! and loving the bags, and then I saw the purse, just gorgeous!

  10. Yay for happy accidents! The coin purse is a great idea. I love the way you have printed onto that fabric. Looks great Kylie!


  11. I can see bags with matching zip cases may take off!! Love your work. x

  12. Great bag, its so lovely and fresh with that green. I like to put my cosmetics and stuff in a little pouch too, don't use coin pockets in bags all that much myself.

  13. little purse is a winner, kylie.
    and you have my deepest admiration for tackling a zipper with what appears to be great success.
    fear and loathing of zippers runs very deep with me.
    how I wish it wasn't so.

  14. These bags are terrific! I fully understand your girls!XX

  15. So cute! I love the patterns and the colors. Awesome!
    Lila Ferraro
