We had a couple of days in London and this was pure pleasure – no work, just seeing friends and taking in my favourite place in the world. We caught up with friends and my hand-printed t-shirt gifts thankfully went down a treat :)
Saw some fabulous window displays and had an amazing experience on our last night there... We were fortunate to be invited to the Oswald Boateng fashion show in London Fashion Week. Wow - what a hoot :) I don't think I'd ever appreciated before the fashion machine and being a direct witness to the spectacle was just incredible.
Oh my goodness Kylie!!
A London Fashion Week show - how did you manage that??!! That must have been so exciting!xx
wow lucky you, you must of been thrilled x
Just read all the posts I have been missing- Just fabulous- And meeting Renilde , that must have been such a treat- and the fashion show!OH Kylie- what wonderful experiences- and I Love the tshirts- just gorgeously designed- I am so sorry I have been so distant but things are on the mend- looking up!
Wow, how did you manage that??!! You must introduce me to the people you know! Glad you had a great time x
sounds like you are having a great trip! so exciting to meet up with a blog friend. the t-shirts look gorgeous.
say hello to paris for me :)
Hi Kylie,
I didn't realize that you were posting while away!! What fun. I hope you continue to enjoy your time away. I love London and Paris! Wish I was there too!
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