It's true... I do admit it... I'm a mag hag. I just love them. It's an expensive
habit but worth it I think. Every so often, they pile up though and I need to
sort out the keepers from the fluff. This is my current pile.

My creative space this week has been all about organisation... sorting,
shifting and throwing. It's taken me an age to go through these magazines.
Some of them are automatic 'keepers' - fabulous resources that I don't think
I'll ever be able to throw away. The others, I look through every single one
to see if there's anything I want to keep. I'm about half way there. I have a
pile of clippings which I'll then sort into folders...
Hmm, starting to feel a bit OCD here ;) Hope you've had a wonderfully
creative week. More creative spaces over here.
This is something I keep meaning to do, I have always been a bit mag addicted! I have some keepers, but a big pile that I could probably do without...
Organisation must be in the air. But I haven't started with my mag collection yet. I LOVE them. It's shocking when you see them all together though and realise how much they cost, isn't it? (But I still LOVE them!)
this makes me smile ~ so familiar!
don't you find yourself wondering as you look through if just maybe you'd need something in one of them in a years time!!
have a great time sorting :)
I have done same thing last month, love organizing and decluttering , feel so much better after...
I gave half of my collection to charity; I thought somebody else will have a chance to enjoy it, but the rest of mags like Real living stayed with me :) Have fun!
"Hello, my name is Karen, I am a Mag Hag..."! Yup, they pile up and up in my house too and I'm just terrible about decluttering them. How do you know that certain image of that certain something isn't the one image you need in 5 (10) years time? I tried sifting and cutting and making a scrap book of all different topics a few years ago, but just became a scrap pile instead of a mag pile ;-)
Wow - thats a lot of mags!!
Will you post a photo of whats left when you finish?! (ps. i met another Brisy blogger today!)xxJ
Wow! That is quite the stash you have there! I keep meaning to go through mine. Not the Vogues though, Iris has taken to destroying them as soon as they come through the door. I don't think think she's a fan of the fashion industry ;) She's always very kind to Elle decoration though!! x
I love your dedication! Those piles are a familiar sight around here too
wow - what a lot! I culled a lot of mine in the name of cutting down on my finances! :)
I did exactly the same today!! but my pile looks a bit messier :^)
That lovely photograph of your eldest daughter in the previous post could be a painting of Vermeer, so nice!!!!
Wow, that is a LOAD of magazines! I keep clippings from a few here and there, but I've found I very rarely actually go back to them (or the magazines), so I've started recycling instead of keeping. Pinterest was made for me. :)
I knew that you were somehow a secret sister and the secret is magazines! I need to organize too.
I hear you, they're so heavy too, torture to lug to the op shops or recycling centre or waiting room . . . just know the moment you dispense of them, you'll children will need countless images of food/ fashion/ lettering/ gardening for school projects, it's how it works in our house, argh, love Posie
Both my husband and myself are magazine addicted! Which is quite costly as well as space hogging.... But there is something about a new magazine that a book just doesn't quite satisfy. Though a new book satisfies other 'somethings'.
So - what's your favourite magazine. I'm always curious what people are reading. Recently I've been reading Anthology (so beautiful) and B.I.G Kids magazine (which is full of fun and lovely for adults and kids).
I'm not a magazine reader, thank goodness but I do pick up those free cook magazines in the supermarket & I browse through them but hardly ever make any of the recipes. They gather dust in our house though so I should be inspired by your post...
What is OCD? Here's the non native english speaker who doesn't understand - hehe! :)
oh my goodness and i thought i was a mag hag! :D I feel less guilty now i've seen your pile! what's with magazines though? i can't resist, that's why i steer clear of newsagents since we moved to a smaller house! i do as you do i keep them for a while then i cut what i want to keep, but i still have tons of mag that i can't get rid of it. he he :)))
great pile! would like to sit in your sofa and watch them all day long!
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