Just going through my emails and found my horoscope for July from the very likeable Eric Francis of Planet Waves! I really like this one... hope, optimism and just a dash of get-yourself-working-girl! Hmm, maybe that Etsy store should happen sooner rather than later...
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)
Your point of view is obvious to some people and requires some detective work for others, but it's time you made it plain to yourself what you stand for and what your life is about. I would say that this has been happening, but the bulk of your energy may still be bound up in potential rather than in action. The Sun's move into your empathic water sign Cancer -- one of the most daring and dynamic angles of your solar chart -- is saying that this moment, right now, is all about an experiment in taking chances. By this I mean putting your passion into the world, and making sure you create a space for yourself to do precisely that.
hi kylie, just saw on your profile that juno soundtrack is your favorite! ours too! sooo much! we often play it in the shop and so there is always a good vibe! its the best cd to play here!!
Excellent! That's so cool. The next time I'm in Belgium I'm definitely coming to your shop then! :) I LOVE that music! It's so fresh, isn't it? Always makes me smile :) Thanks for this. K
I would like to put this poster on my wall, I'm sure it works!
(I like Juno sound track too! Fresh,original and so perfect with the moovie)
Am I bad? I haven't seen that movie yet! Maybe its a treat waiting for me! By the way your horoscope sounds very energising! I have a Cancer ascendant and a moon in Pisces so I rejoice too!
I hope you received my emails, the little ones are flying...Have a lovely day Kylie!
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