Monday, August 15, 2011

Inspiration: Sashiko Fabric

Maybe it's because the weather is getting warmer, 
but I'm thinking about fabric a lot lately.

This is an inspiring find... Sashiko Washaway Fabric 

It's printed with an ink that washes off in the laundry. So, you 
can go wild with your creative ideas along any of the guide 
lines and then wash them all away, leaving only your 
embroidered or appliqued or painted design.

Pretty cool, huh? :)

I found it here.


  1. Please don't start (inspire) me on anything else. Too many balls in the air as it is. Sashiko Washaway Fabric Person is a bit of a clever chops, huh?

  2. was just thinking what Tania said ~ have often looked at this fabric and resisted!!
    it just looks so great!

  3. That is actually quite mental! In fact its made my brain whir so much I'm going to have to pretend i don't know about it any more as I have no time or space for things of this magnitude.

  4. That's clever!

    But I still like my sashiko throws made from scraps of fabric bought at a Japanese street market.


  5. Oh my, my brain hurts just lookig at it and I know what I am doing!!

  6. these are great...i picked one up at a Stitch Show once and it does make a lovely evening pastime, whiling away the hours on a swing seat on a deck in the evening sun...actually i was probably wrapped up inside sheltering from the winter gales, but nice idea heh?!

  7. What a cool idea. Have you tried it yourself?

  8. that's a very cool idea. i'd love to see if you make something out of it!

  9. i LOVE it, reminds me of something celestial. such a inspiration, i really like the way your mind works lades! ♥
