Saturday, August 13, 2011

Inspiration: Humlegården Apartment

I found these images the day I finished my new design for the triangle cushions. 
It was such a Wow! Snap! moment. It's given me fresh inspiration to do more...
and this green is definitely calling my name ;)

So where is this amazing place? It's the Humlegården Apartment, developed
by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter in a traditional Art Nouveau apartment in Stockholm.

The oversized multicoloured parquet floors and walls are so visually striking, 
it makes me happy just looking at it :)

As much as I love it I have to admit that I find some of the rooms a tad overbearing. 
Perhaps these are the architect's show photos and there are real people living 
there now with real things...?

... and perhaps a few books on those shelves ;)

It's an exciting idea, though, don't you think?

I found this on a very inspirational blog, Plenty of Colour 
via another fabulous blog, elisabeth andrée.


  1. Wow the green would look amazing as one of your cushions. Could you adapt it to be triangles? Or expand in to lozenges. Ummmm she drifts of it to a little crochet cushion fantasy world. If only I could actually do the damn thing!

  2. Daring stuff! Actually looks like something from a movie set!

  3. Oh my God, that is completely amazing, I love it. Thank you so much for sharing your find. :)

  4. I am a sucker for a bit of parquetry. While this is beautifully designed I do not love the yellow kitchen, but yes wonder if it would look more liveable with actually things in it and furniture etc. Definitely inspiring though.

  5. Crazy beautiful. Not sure I could live in such an intense colourful place but it does look stunning and inspirational. The floor plan blew my mind. Amazing.

  6. Wow so much inspiration! You find the greatest places Kyile, even from my own country. Thanks!

  7. That's pretty crazy stuff! The visual impact is huge. I don't know if I'd want it in my home, I guess I'm an all white, scandinaviann style kind of girl. But I would love to have stuff like that in places like archi school!

  8. WOW.
    I've only just seen this.
    Absolutely amazing - and i'm loving the green too!x

  9. Super fun to look at but I would get dizzy to live in it I think! LOL :)

  10. Wow- I love that green but I it might be fifficult in the mornings I think. Lynda

  11. Wow. Wow. WOW!! The contrast between the outside and the inside is jaw dropping. Love the blending between colours. I guess you'd hang out in the room that best matched your mood. Amazing - but only for teetotallers! : )

  12. wow! amazing! i would love to see this space with people living in it too. so much colour already. how would they furnish it. all white : )
    thanks for sharing x
