Thursday, August 18, 2011

Crochet Love


A happy mix of crochet love today... 

These fabulous wheel covers really made me smile when 
I saw them at Lynn's.

They reminded me of this fabulous piece of artistry when Kate 
yarn bombed the spare tyre on their caravan...

Then I found this yarn bombed car... 
and I found myself imagining Kate's caravan covered in yarn :)

I'm not doing my creative space today... I don't really have anything to show just yet as I'm 
embracing Alisa's idea of having an MOF (month of finishing). There are a couple of projects on 
the roll here that have been far too long in the finishing. When I do eventually post on them, 
no doubt you'll be stretching your memory for when you saw them last ;)
Anyway, on with my jobs. Hope you're having a great day.


  1. That car is SO awsome. I would drive it around, haha!
    Good with your finnishing things, I have a huge pile waiting for me right now!

  2. Lol, I'm not doing My CS either today, I don't think bathing the baby or washing the sheets really counts as creating. Love your yarn bombing pics, I was walking the other day & saw that someone had done their letter box post - very cute... have to take the camera next walk!

  3. I want to touch that car!

    Love the idea of a month of finishing, though I am sure I would fail at keeping it up for a month and start on a new project.

    Wishing you all the best and will keep eyes peeled for finished projects in the coming weeks. Will also apply pressure if need be. Such as, That's not a new project is it Kylie? Ha ha :)

  4. How awesome! I'd love to pretty up my bike like that!

    Good for you for finishing off and can't wait to see what you are finishing. I have so many projects to finish and should take a leaf out of your book ;-)

  5. I would be so worried that all the hard work would get dirty or taken away from my bike. Or my bike stolen in it's whole which is not an uncommon thing to do in Belgium... It looks awesome though! :)

  6. uh oh, maybe its possible to be so obsessed with crochet that you just keep looking around you for things that haven't been crocheted yet and before you know it only the car is left!!!!
    Love the idea of mof. For me that would have to be a year... :)

  7. Oh I'm loving all these, but that bike one for me takes the cake.
    And I aooo admire you and your MOF you're a better woman than i am xo

  8. oh wow! love those bike wheel covers. pinning! x

  9. believe it or not I am actually yarn bombing a car at the moment. Only 3 weeks to go and only half way there gulp! Who knows what I was thinking when I took it on not as if I haven't got LOTS of other stuff going on.

  10. Whatt??? REALLY AWESOME WORK!!! AMAZING!! Love that car!!

  11. Those wheel covers are so cool! I need to go find a few bikes.... ;)

  12. hope you got lots done and had fun too!!
    i have to be in the mood for finishing!
    love kate's crochet cover for the spare tyre!!

  13. omg Kylie, i love the yarn bomb celebrations and thanks so much for including my name there. you are just RAD! i clicked over to see Kate & her equally amazing "mate" fixing up their caravan, slick stuff indeed!

    MOF????? this needs to be implemented on the West Coast too. i need waaaay more than a month but best get started asap ; )

    happy almost weekend. xoox ♥

  14. OH MY GOODNESS those bikes are just divine!!!! Love!!
    Thank you so much for including my little yarn bombing effort.
    And that car.... I am imagining the caravan bombed now too. It would look amazing!
    Have a fab weekend. xx

  15. Wow, love these crochet wonders, great idea to crochet a cosy for the spare tyre. I can just imagine one of these crochet beauties on the back of a beat up rust bucket driving through the australian outback! Loving this new blog discovery! off to explore further...

  16. How fantastic are these!! Oh man, so bummed I'm not part of the crochet club - yarn bombing looks like the sweetest 'naughtiness'! Thanks for brightening my day Kylie. : ) xx

    ps. Sadly my MOF has to wait till we finish with a WOL (week of lergys) : P

  17. A car cozy!!
    That is too awesome!!

    Come join my wonderful Shabby Apple giveaway :D

  18. This is like a crochet intervention. How totally fun and fabulous. Thanks for the smile.
    I like the finishing idea. I have lots of stuff started but not too much that is finished!

  19. Crochet really does make things look better!
