Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend Adventures

We've just returned from a mini-break at the mountains again. I should confess that
I usually spend this time by the fire crocheting, but they talked me into going on a
walk this time. It was supposed to be a 'short' walk, but that was just to get me out I think ;)

This view was my reward...

Oh, and this one too. They decided the occasion merited a special walk along what
looked like a goat track to me... a track to the very top edge of the waterfall...

This is standing at the edge looking down...

They thought it was hilarious... I loved the look on their faces :)

Then I found another reason to smile... I saw some 'scribblies'.

Have you ever seen these mysterious markings in a tree trunk before?
I've always been fascinated by them.

They reminded me of one of my favourite books as a child, "Nin and the 
Scribblies" by Nancy Cato. I don't think it's in print anymore but here are 
some pages I've scanned...

Nin discovers some scribbles on the trees while visiting her grandma
and discovers they are made by little creatures who live in the tree and 
becomes friends with them.

I know it's silly but it takes me right back to childhood and writing on 
trees to see if the 'creatures' will talk to me ;)

Does anyone else remember this book?

Hope you've had a great weekend too :)


  1. A childhood of deprivation, to be sure - I've not never seen nor heard of Nin or the Scribblies. Though I imagine that you and my Mr would be able to talk scribblies. He seems to be collecting scribbly artefacts.

  2. I don't know the book but it would have saved me years of fear as my big sister told me it was ghost writing & i was being watched (this also included the moon following me & various other nightmare inducing stories). Love Posie

  3. I never read that book, but I'm certain I would have loved it as a child. Just my type of thing!

  4. What a great post! Thank you. It made my day a little brighter.

  5. Sweet post. Your walk looks wonderful. Love nature. x

  6. that's so lovely kylie. i haven't heard of scribblies. is it an aussie thing? you have such gorgeous times in the mountains. x

  7. love these photos. australia is an amazing country!
    you won my giveaway over the weekend. would you mind emailing me your address? cheers, melissa

  8. oops- sorry, i should have left my email address- it's tinyhappy at gmail dot com.

  9. so great to have caught that look in a photo! your girls are just gorgeous.
    looks like a beautiful place to crochet.
    completely missed that cool looking book :)

  10. what a great post Kylie; haven't heard of scribblies before, but it looks fantastic, love that view in the first picture, can't imagine a landscape like that in Belgium :)

  11. I don't know the book but it sounds so charming. Funny how we can find inspiration anywhere. I looked at your photos of the cliffs and saw triangles.. just like in your lovely crochet cushions.

  12. I've never heard of the book but it looks so sweet. Love the font on the cover! Kellie xx

  13. Looks like a lovely book! It's a pitty, that so many great childbooks are not for sale anymore... in Germany as well.
    And looks like your vacation at the mountains was refreshing...

  14. Amazing nature! Your adventures always looks so happy and fun :) Elisabeth xx

  15. I wish i had this book as a child! What a find. So australian. Must go on a hunt when we move back to australia soon, would love my son to have this book! Hey I just looked at your other blogs, i think i went to the same school as you in Brisbane!? St Aidan's? I think i recognised that penguin uniform as everyone called it.
