Friday, July 1, 2011

New in the Hood

I made a discovery today.. a new hangout just down the road from me.

Sourced Grocer is one of those inner city, eatery-grocer places that I tend to associate with other (larger) cities, but it works fabulously in this area of renovated wool store factories that have been converted into apartments. 

The fit-out is simple and relaxed, the food and coffee are great, and you can buy local produce from sausages to vegetables and fresh breads to flowers :)

Why did it take so long?

This is not an ad... it really is simply a local find. 
If you'd like to check it out, you can find the address on their webpage.


  1. Love the look of this place! I used to live in New Farm (many moons ago) so think I know where this is.

  2. I love it!
    Wish we had something like that around here too!!

  3. That looks such an amazing place. Would love to have somewhere like that close to me...enjoy shopping local x

  4. Hi Kylie,
    Just wanted to reply to your comment you left on my blog. It's only a holiday and I was very reluctant to even mention it but I thought I can't just disappear from my blog till next year without saying anything.

    This holiday has been a long time coming and it's just going to be complete time out from work and life as i know it. No plans, if i end up just staring at the Berlin skyline for three months and getting fat on sausages, so be it. Won't be blogging either, not that I do very much of that anyway.

    I plan on going to the Paris trade fair in September (?) so if you're going again it
    would be great to meet up for a coffee or whatever if you had the time. But no pressure :)

    And finally I really really want to buy one of your triangle cushions. They are all so beautiful I don't know which one I want yet but can I send you a deposit for one - I'm scared they will all be snapped up the minute you finish and list them. I don't care how much they cost, I am so in love with them. Would it be okay to put $50 deposit on one? Let me know and I'll send money immediately.

    Carmel x

  5. looks like a great place. would love to pop in. x

    p.s. loved your comment about trying to pop to sydney for the day and missing your plane! oh no! you seemed pretty relaxed about it though. man, how i would love to click my fingers and be in sydney for the day. x

  6. Wish I could visit.....such a great looking place
    Have the best weekend Kylie!

  7. Looks so great. I've sent a link to my Brisbane-dwelling sister. Btw I barely get around to comment at the moment, but I'm loving your triangles with a passion and wondering if I have the courage to take up the yarn crafts myself! Probably not (nor the time). I'll be keeping an eye on those cushions, once you figure out how to sew them :)

  8. We have spent some lovely mornings in that very spot.

  9. i went there last month, such a fab place, let's catch up for coffee there soon! x

  10. What an awesome place to chill out! Lucky you to have that near you! :)

  11. now if only someone could do this is the western suburbs! there is nothing here.
