Saturday, July 2, 2011

Crochet Break

I'll be away the next week or so because of school holidays. I'll be hiding out in the mountains again, going on walks through the rainforest and, hopefully, crocheting up a storm :)

Over the last couple of months I've been amassing quite a collection of yarns for my triangle cushions from pennies saved here and there... 

Don't they look wonderful set out in my wonky colour chart? I'm thinking of having a listing in my shop with this picture so people can choose their own colour combinations for a triangle cushion...

In the meantime, these two colour combinations
will be coming with me for some triangulation :)

Hope you have a great week!


  1. Snap! I was just writting a comment over here and when I clicked to read yours I lost mine.
    Anyway, I was just saying how much I adore your colour chart and the concept of it being an order form. I also said I love your cushions and that usually I shy away from triangles because they are in threes and odd (weirdo) but yours are making me change my mind.
    I hope you have a fabulous break. x

  2. Wow - love that colour chart!!
    And your combinations too!

    Have a lovely break Kylie,
    these hols seem to have come along
    very quickly!!XX

  3. Hey lovely! Hiding out in the mountains sounds fantastic, have a great time! That's a mighty fine colour chart you have there, top idea!:)xx

  4. excellent idea. the first colour combo is perfection! the chart is a great idea and it looks so clear. wondering what yarn you are using to find so many great colours in one range.
    have a great time away xx

  5. Yep, good idea K. Loving the triangle pillow - let us know when it's in the shop!

  6. yes, go crochet your heart out. Sounds so lovely. Look forward to the results!

  7. I love the chart - I'm nearly at the point where I feel I could take up knitting and this chart is adding to it. Have a nice holiday!

  8. Love the slate and ghostgum. I can see them with a darker red than that the scarlet, maybe some taupe and the off white...
    Aquamarine and magenta with more slate and some aubergine...
    Those balls are lots of fun and certainly fuel the daydreaming, what brand?

  9. Mmmm, yum! Even the color chart is delicious!

  10. happy break away time Kylie! it sounds like it's going to be such a lovely place to re-vamp your mind and heart.

    those yarns you've amassed are fab-tastic!!! love the idea of using your chart for people to pick from. rad indeed! ♥

    pea ess: yes, a lot of the pics on my blog are Sean's handiwork, he was quite thrilled to hear you'd asked : )

  11. oh such lovely colours!! have a wonderful time away - sounds amazing.

  12. Have lots of fun Kylie, it sounds wonderful!
    I love that first color combo-very serene-xx

  13. Oh yum, I'm loving your colour chart! I could have a holiday just staring at it!

  14. love the colour chart.What yarn is it?

  15. Please tell us what the yarn is?? It's gorgeous! thanks x

  16. Such lush colors, Kylie! What brand is it? :)
