Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Holidays and Quandaries

We're back from the mountains and these are some of my favourite snaps. I don't think I'll ever tire of this view. It's like an instant chill pill for me, but I hope you don't mind seeing it again and again ;)

We found the Wishing Tree on one of our walks this time. Isn't it amazing? I can so imagine playing 'house' there as a child... but those days are long gone ;)

Not so long gone that I've stopped seeing faces on the walks :)
Isn't this one cute? Like a seal or a dugong guarding the Wishing Tree...

I did a lot of crochet while we were away, but what I have is actually not in the colour combinations I showed you before I left. Unfortunately, they just didn't work. I needed other colours which I didn't have, so I ended up putting together a cushion from a mixture of the two I'd planned. 

What do think - does it work?

Also, before I left, this lovely lady asked me what size the cushions are... Umm yes, that would be a practical consideration you'd think I would have worked out. 

That was when I realised that my cushions so far have actually been rectangles! How dumb can you get ;) 

So, I made sure the latest one (above) was a square but this meant making them bigger; more triangles to balance each other out... and I'm not so sure I like it.

So, I have a question about my quandary... 
do you think they look better as squares or rectangles... or does it not matter?

Hope you've had a lovely week. I'm slowing catching up on my blog reading so hopefully I'll be visiting you very soon :)


  1. Welcome back! I'm still in love with those triangles and I think they look great either square or rectangluar. I would probably go for square myself though.


  2. I like the squares and the new colour combo is AMAZING! Defs the best :) I'd love it in my house!

  3. Oh i'd offer both so you can make up square with rectangle feature cushions, they're super cute, love Posie

  4. I think they look better as oblongs! And, the photos are brilliant too!

  5. Kylie - that top colour combo is great - It's as though you've been inspired by the colours of the mountain. A for square or rectangle - I'm not sure I see a difference. I know you'll work it out for the best option though :)

  6. Hey Kylie - i like the small triangles with the big! I think the square looks great as well as the rectangle. But the square will be easier to get an inner for! (unless they are stuffed)

    We are living off thin air at the mo! Hoping a job comes along soooooon!!XX


  7. Kylie your triangles are awesome - I love them. And I adore the song on your blog - makes me all happy.

  8. They are all lovely Kyile! Was about to say that the green, black and grey version is my favorite among these, but then looked again and changed my mind to the one under the green, and the one under that one...
    All great as said :)!

  9. welcome back, Kylie...missed you! And thanks for stopping by my blog on your return home ;-)

    I love your crocheted triangles. I have a bit of a thing for rectangular cushions at the mo...i like the more irregularity of them...but a grouping of both would be rather fab, don't you think??

  10. I love everything about your holiday - especially the dugong-protected Wishing (Faraway?) Tree.

    Oh and lady, you've been looking at 'em too long. They look fabulous either, either, or.

  11. I think they look great however you do it, 'though I'm partial to the rectangles myself. Glad you had a nice time away!

  12. Nature pictures are amazing, nice blog...

  13. Welcome back! You sound refreshed! Tha photos are amazing- that first image is breathtaking. I can see why you don't tire of it!
    I love the rectangles why would the shape be an issue? My fav is the one with a variety of grays, green and one single orange!But they are all lovely- fast worker you!XX

  14. They all look so nice Kylie! I love the one at the bottum on the left with all the bright colours!!!
    Greets from Holland! bye bye Yvon

  15. they are all great kylie, so much work!!! where did you go for your holiday, it looks so beautiful there. mady x

  16. They are all great, I think my favourite is the top right, olives and greys with a red contrast, and then the square.
    And who says you can't have a rectangle cushion!

  17. I love all the triangles - what yarn are you using? x

  18. I think you can get away with triangle shaped cushions as well!

  19. I like the square cushion heaps, but I like the others too so just do what you feel like! Perhaps it'll depend on the particular pattern/balance you come up with, whether you think it needs 3 or four rows (or 11!). I guess cushion inserts are the question, but for something so lovely you'd expect it to be custom sized and not generic. You're a talent Kylie.

  20. well i think you found your answer about those patterned lovelies! : )

    the get-away looks magic filled, it's so rejuvenating to be out in the fresh this way! what a lot of beautiful scenery to take into your cells. best ever is the term "chill pill" haven't heard that in a while, gotta re-implement it into the vocab now too! ♥
