Thursday, June 30, 2011

Our Creative Spaces - 2 Triangles + a Brooch

I'm playing along with Our Creative Spaces this week - visit the site to sign up or see more spaces.


As you can see, there are more triangle cushions being crocheted in my space. Even some variance and experimentation with the triangle designs...

[this cushion actually looks better in real life - the black doesn't dominate so much]

That's because I've been avoiding the job of figuring
out how to make them into cushions ;)

I saw a great post over at Thea's about sewing needlepoint into cushions. I got all excited and then the worrying set in... can you sew crochet like that? Is it really advisable? When I look at the crochet cushions I have of Karen and Renilde, I see that they've hand-sewn them... 

So, this is my latest act of procrastination... figuring out how to cushion crochet. Until I do, I think I'm going to just keep on crocheting more triangles :)

On to happier news... my brooch arrived from the Flowerpress fabulous brooch swap! Isn't it beautiful? You should see the divine stitchery up close (it makes me ashamed of any felt brooch I've ever made!) It's the work of Moira Millman and you can find her blog here. Thanks Moira! and thanks again to Susie for organising the swap :)


  1. Lucky you Kylie - I saw Moira's brooch on flickr and really liked it - I wish I could sew so neatly!
    Plus am crazy about your crochet triangles and colours you are using. yes, stick with them....

  2. Now that's a lovely brooch - I can see it on you. How will it go with your current triangle fetish though?

  3. Loving your new triangle combos. it's amazing how colour can really change the look of them xo

  4. the triangles are looking great ~ i like the experimentation too. how good will it be when you figure out the tricky part?
    cute brooch :)

  5. Love the little ones tucked in amongst the others.
    I could look at your triangles all day, so interesting to see how they look in all the different colours. My favourite colour is the bluey grey but I love the black too.
    So glad you love your brooch too :-)

  6. your triangles are great! and the brooch is lovely :)

  7. Just keep triangle-ing, love. They're fab. (AND WHAT A SWAP SCORE!)...

  8. I really love your triangles and the combination that you have made with them.

  9. Hi Kylie, so glad your brooch arrived safely and pleased you like it:) very impressed with your crochet and love the colour combos!

  10. I love seeing how this triangle thing is progressing for you. Very cool!

  11. Sweet brooch-I like your experimentation- I want to see what happens when you figure out the challenging part! Love the triangles-yay!XX

  12. I just love your triangles... they are so neatly and beautifully put together!! :)

  13. Hmmm, thinking about the sewing of the crochet.... It's a bit of a long process, BUT, I think the neatest way to do it would be to turn the edge of the backing fabric under and stitch, then blanket stitch around the edge (maybe you even have a sewing machine that can do this?). THEN, crochet the two sides together. A bit fiddly, but that's the way I'd try it.

    Looking wonderful BTW. I WANT ONE!!!

  14. I love the crochet triangles - the colours and design make them look like modern art!

  15. gosh Kylie, your creations have me on a continuous sigh sesh, they are always so wonderful! i hold off on things too and wait till i feel like i've got a better handle on it before attempting. i have no doubt you'll master this technique in no time, and lovely brooch! Moira did a great job, will be a fun addition to any outfit. ♥

  16. I think your triangles are splendid! Not to mention the Brooch - so lovely.
