Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Creative Space - Brooch Swap

My Creative Space meme is hosted by the lovely Kirsty over at Kootoyoo.

In my space this week, a finished brooch for the Flowerpress Handmade Brooch Swap. You might remember it was one of my holiday craft endeavours (also the reason why I've been so speedy in finishing!)

You can still sign up for the Brooch Swap until May 10th and the brooches don't need to be finished until 21st June... plenty of time to follow through!

I'm doing a guest post at Flowerpress tomorrow (Friday 6th May) with a tutorial on how I made my embroidered brooch.

Happy Creative Space Day everyone! 

Happiest of birthday wishes to my darling Little One who is 11 today :)
She has a wonderful wit and a devilish sense of humour... She is fiercely loyal with an unwavering sense of justice, that's my baby girl... 
oh, and she's like a bull in a china shop ;) 
Love you, puppy :)


  1. Happy birthday to your little puppy. Gosh she looks a lot like you.
    I am most excited to check out your brooch lesson tomorrow.
    Have a great day Kylie.

  2. Your brooch is beauuutifuuul!!
    I love it Kylie, i'll be checking out the post tomorrow too.

    Happy Birthday to your gorgeous girl -
    tell her I love her glasses!xx

  3. Thanks Kate and Jennie! I forgot to mention that they have no lenses in them - she just likes wearing them... that's just another puppy trait! ;) Hope the tute tomorrow isn't too disappointing! Kx

  4. OH KYLIE!!! I love your new brooch, it is beyond beautiful.
    ANd happy birthday to your little spunk. she looks like a total charmer xo

  5. What a cutie pie puppy! Happy birthday to her!

  6. happy, happy birthday!!!!
    i love the glasses with no lenses....wishing you the best day!!

    and i love that brooch

  7. Oh it's so pretty!!! And so is your little girl, Happy Birthday!

  8. gorgeous brooch Kylie! looking forward to your guest post.

    Happy birthday to your beautiful girl.
    hope you all have a good celebration ♥

  9. the brooch is stunning!
    happy birthday to your little one ~ she sounds a lot like our littlest, characterwise!! {always making us laugh}. love that her glasses don't have lenses!!

  10. Wow it is gorgeous... such detail... beautiful!!

  11. That is so beautiful. I'm off to sign up! Thanks for the tip off. And Happy Birthday to a beautiful looking little girl.

  12. What a gorgeous brooch, Kylie and can't wait to see the tute tomorrow! And happy birthday to your lovely Noah is 12 today too! He also has a wonderful wit and a devilish sense of humour...must be something to do with the day!

  13. It's beautiful Kylie. Just read your tutorial on Susie's blog...thanks for sharing!
    Happy Birthday to your darling girl. Her personality sounds exactly like mine...we share the same birthday date!

  14. Big Birthday wishes for your little chicken Kylie. Just look at that grin, what a sweetie! Really beautiful work! Thanks for the heads up on your tutorial, I'm over there already. : )

  15. Stunning brooch! And belated Happy Birthday to your gorgeous girl!So she just wears them with no lenses- good stuff!!XX

  16. Happy belated birthday to your sweet "bull". 11 years old, a good age, a fun age :)

    Your brooch looks just great!

  17. i love your brooch creation Kylie! what a terrific accessory to add whimsy to any outfit. i recently spotted a girl who wore one on the cuff of her jeans and thought it was such a cute look too.

    and many belated happy b-day wishes to your 11 year-old orb angel!!!!! she is a darling. ♥

  18. in aww of all that awesome embroidery!!!

  19. Absolutely beautiful brooch and even more beautiful young lady!!
