Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A most beautiful thing :)

I received a most beautiful thing from a really good egg in the post today... 
It's a crocheted egg!  Isn't it gorgeous? :)

I think it looks perfect on another lovely gift – a lace-pressed bowl.

First, I had them next to my much-loved hoop girl...

... and then I realised that they actually belong with swinging girl :)

She reminds me of someone... can you guess who?


  1. I knew it belonged at yours!

    PS. Blanketed kid has just nutted out how to 'do her swinging legs'. Perfect match! x

  2. yes it is gorgeous. and so nice to see playtime in your home! x

  3. Love the egg, and those prints. Lucky old you.

  4. You are a lucky girl! Love your shelf of pretties. :)
