Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Australian mums (and to mothers everywhere, of course!)
This was my beautiful present - a silver cloud and black pearl pendant... so in love :)

I've had a lovely lunch with my mother and sister and our respective families.
Hope you've had a great day too :)


  1. What a lovely photo of you and your mum and sister - look how happy and proud your mum looks! - lovely post. Oh and pretty nice necklace too!

  2. Timeless.
    Happy Mother's Day to you Kylie x

  3. beautiful pic Kylie, happy mamas day to you ♥

  4. Happy Mother's Day Kylie! You all look so lovely and I think the pendant looks wonderful on you. So glad you like it. Love your top too. :)

  5. Happy Mothers day Kylie. I love your necklace, it is beautiful. Lovely photo of you all, you and your sister look so a like!

  6. love your necklace! happy mother's day kylie. x

  7. i recognise that wonderful piece of jewellery. you scored well!! x

  8. love the pic of you and your glad you shared....happy mother's day week to you

  9. awe, you all look beautiful! it's so nice you got together for this special day of days. it looks like your sweet mom is reaching out to each of you in that shot - have to tell her how amazing she looks. could literally be a sister herself!

    and your new necklace takes my breath away, it's dazzling. ♥

  10. oh too gorgeous... i had a lovely day too! very spoiled- my heart wanders... i was hoping to see you there... (
    love to catch up soon. xxx

  11. wow you look so much the same as your sister!!
