Monday, May 9, 2011


I've been working on some packaging for all the brooches I intend to make ;) 

Now, with the laws of procrastination always in evidence around these parts I may very well end up with lots of boxes and no brooches, but hey, good intentions abound :)

The recycled cardboard boxes were a great find. 
I've printed up atomic blocks on linen and glued them to the lid.
Simple, but I think they're effective.

Hope you had a great weekend. What's on your agenda this week?


  1. Beautiful!

    ♥ sécia

  2. They're SO good, Kylie. Well done!

  3. Wow, you know you're getting an HD for this assignment don't you!!

  4. You are very inspiring Kylie (plus you do have my address on file don't you? - haha just joking....)

  5. Your packaging looks lovely & so does that brooch, Kylie! Have a happy week! :)

  6. Oh wow! Don't suppose you want to do some package design free lance work? :)

  7. That looks perfect for brooches!

  8. Wow, they look fantastic, Kylie! And even if you don't get around to making the brooches, at least you'll have a pretty pile of boxes ;-)

  9. These look FAB Kylie! Thanks for the making tute over at Susies, so very helpful especially for a brooch making newbie like me. x Alisa

  10. The packaging looks wonderful... can't wait to see what will fill them soon!

  11. oh how i cherish a lovely package ~

  12. love the packaging!!!!!
    and the brooch (of course!)

    i laughed when i read you comment today....we should just meet at the sale in london this weekend :)

  13. hey, that is a groovy re-styling for those boxes lades. i like what you've done, always inspiring me to amp it up. i would have never thought to glue a graphic element on but the results make it so much more special. bravo! the ideal brooch display indeed.

    but i don't know about this procrastination thing, it seems to me you've got like a gazillion projects on the go at any one time so be easy on yourself. all in good time and especially when the refinement is so splendid, wouldn't want to rush an end result that looks so good. ♥

  14. bravo Kylie, it looks fab the packaging and the brooch and well done for the are a great crafter-artist and mum!

  15. Hi Kylie - I can't find an email anywhere so I can thank I will have to do it here! I LOVE my brooch (and the box!!) I feel very honoured to have recieved the "tutorial" brooch and have worn it today to work where it recieved lots and lots of compliments! As an added bonus I now have a great new blog to explore too - look forward to discovering all about your crafting Em :D
