Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thank you giveaway!

I'm so overwhelmed by your lovely responses to these pieces, I'm going to have a GIVEAWAY!
Let me know which one you prefer in the comments sections below and I'll do a random draw on Sunday 10th April.
I've decided the circles one does need to be cut in half, but let me know if you'd prefer the ant farm, sorry, the yellow and orange one full or cut in half, okay?

And thanks again for your wonderful encouragement :)


  1. What a lovely idea! This is me putting my hand up for the circles print. I think it would look wonderful framed above my bench. Very inspiring!


  2. OH YAY! I love them both, but with the ant farm, I definately love the entire piece as is - not cut in half. It's a sensational work! Hard to choose one, they are both divine, but I'm really drawn to the feel of the orange and yellow, and ant farm is such a sweet name too! hugs! thanks for doing the giveaway - that's soooo cool! K xo

  3. Is this open to international shipping? If so, I love the circles best, though I'd be happy with either. :)

  4. Ooooh! What a lovely idea!!
    I think I like the antfarm - as a whole piece!
    That was a very tough choice though!XXX

  5. love the circles, full or not full ~ more than happy to share ;)
    thanks kylie xx

  6. What an amazing idea and I would love to enter - my favorite is the circles - it's lovely.
    Fingers xxxxx
    A xx

  7. Mais j'adore les belles impressions!

    Not an easy choice by any stretch but if I must then the ant farm (or coral paradise) in full of course! ;o)

    J'adore your creative streak Kylie
    Bises et bisous

  8. Great pieces Kylie! I love the geometric shapes in the circle print but also very much like the detail and colours used in the art farm - it's a tie!



  9. I love the top one and love it shopped in half!!! You are ace Kylie!!!

  10. Wow, I must have missed that last post. I really love the circles and do not feel at all it needs to be cut in half. I see perfect balance in it. Ok, so now I'm just gonna cross my fingers.....

  11. I can't choose Kylie both are very I like the circles more, yesterday it was more a day for ant farm! : )
    thanks dear!

  12. I love them both but am edging to wards the circles

  13. yeah, I'm up for a giveaway! (especially with my recent good luck!) Such a difficult decision though, Kylie, aaggghhh! Think the circles ones just pips it ;-)

  14. I love circles, but don't cut it in half. :) I love your all prints so much. Their are perfect. ;)

  15. Oh how exciting is this? I love them both whole or halved. May be the circles wins by a small margin.

  16. yes give-away fun. love them both. and love the number 3 song it get so stuck in you're head

  17. sillygurl_2005@yahoo.comApril 7, 2011 at 8:12 AM

    i LOVE LOVE LOVE the flowery look of the second one! it makes me think of fall here in new mexico, which is my favorite time of year here because the colors are beautiful and the weather is WONDERFUL. so please, please pick meeeeeee!

  18. hi Kylie, I like the antfarm the most, as a whole piece :^)

  19. really awesome! thanks for the chance Kylie, i really like ant farm a bunch. i feel like i could take it into my cells and begin a new dawning.

    cheers to you and this fine giveaway! ♥
