Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not quite

New drawings... but I'm not happy with them. Is this first one an ant farm after a thunderstorm? It's too dark and heavy-looking anyway. The second is pure experimentation... trying to make things more graphic and less floral. Whatever - it doesn't work. Maybe if I cut them in half?

What to do... destined for the bin I think. 
What do you do with your 'not quites'? 


  1. I really like the bottom one. I liek it better cut in half. Keep it, file it away, you might like it more in a few days.

  2. Yeah - I think go back with fresh eyes.
    I turn drawings and paintings upside down alot to get a different perspective of it.

    Love both of these Kylie!X

  3. I like the bottom one - cut in half - brilliant :O)

  4. These are amazing, I like the use of colour and the abstraction in the drawing. Don't throw them away! You could use them for something in the future, even to use for a collage.

  5. I'm all for putting a project aside to brew for a little longer. Something else will appear and bring fresh perspective to your work. But I have to say, that last photo is so compelling. Those circles and lines are such an appealing combination, as is the use of colour. Definitely a keeper I should think. :)

  6. Sounds as though I'm for once with the majority, really like the bottom image. But file them away and look again after a bit of time has passed. Amazing what some distance can do.

  7. My dear Kylie,
    Please put them away for a bit and take a fresh look at them another time. They are BRILLIANT and MUST NOT go into the bin.
    I've destroyed so many pieces and have later regretted it.

  8. No, not the bin please. Can I have them please?

  9. Dear Kylie, these are not destined for the bin - the are awesome - if you don't like, have a giveaway hihi :O)
    Love your blog, it's fabo - following you now, hope you come and see me sometime - maybe you'll like what I do and follow me too;O)
    A xx

  10. Hi Kylie,

    you know, seriously, I think these are amazing - they are just gorgeous! You are way too hard on yourself! (I mean this in a nice way). hugs, K x

  11. I like them in half, especially those bottom too.
    I'm terrible with my not quites, they usually go into the bear head corner.
    not that i'm suggesting you do that with these. I think putting them away for a while and coming back a fresh is a good way to go xo

  12. You're welcome to mail them to me instead, because I actually like them. But, I know it's all in the eye of the artist! I agree you should put them away and revisit them later. You might see something you didn't before.

  13. Yes, Kylie, just put them in a drawer for a while. Even a week of not seeing them will make a huge difference. So many times I thought things were terrible, and a month later I realised they were actually some of my best work!I think they all have beautiful qualitites- it really now depends on what you are trying to achieve. I personally love the last images because they move into fewer directions and seem more complete in themselves- no unfinished business-yes?xx

  14. put your 'not quites' in you shop so that peeps like us who think they are spectacular will purchase them ;-)

    (particularly love the bottom 2 by the way x)

  15. You are such a good drawer Kyile! I especially like the top one :)

  16. amazing what a difference cutting them in half makes. there's a consensus with the bottom one ~ me too! also agree with waiting a bit. . . they really are good. you should keep making them!
    i have drawers full of not quites and sometimes they get cut up for collages. . .

  17. To cut 'em in half is a very brave thing to do.
    I'd be torn to do it but it looks great, Kylie!
    It's a lesson I suppose that cutting it up and letting go of the original idea brings fresh and new things. Thanks, Kylie, very inspirational! :)

  18. Kylie, you're so funny "an ant farm after a thunderstorm" made me laugh and then i re-looked and could see where you were going with that but peashaw! they are all magnificent and represent atomic wonderfully well. genius! ♥

  19. An 'ant farm after a thunderstorm' is too funny. I always wanted an ant farm when I was a kid, but mum refused to buy one. Such utter disappointment (I also wanted Sea Monkeys!)!! I like these Kylie. Definitely DO NOT throw them out. Scanning them and zooming in on detail or areas of the page can sometimes help re-establish an idea or help to see what you've done a little differently.
