Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Creative Space - Trying to Design

I'm playing along with Kirsty's My Creative Space this week. 
Visit Kootoyoo to join in or to see more spaces.

This week I've been procrastinating a lot. I haven't been sewing, I haven't been crocheting, I've done a bit of painting/drawing, but mostly I've been faffing about trying to decide on an Atomic design to burn a screen.

I've realised... 
(a) my blocks are falling apart and I just can't keep individually block printing the design each time (my poor thumbs!), and 
(b) that each time I block print the design it's all spur of the moment whimsy regarding placement... no two are the same!

So, I'm trying to decide on a final design... it's not going well ;)

So I've been amusing myself with making triangle patterns... 

Happy Creative Space everyone! I hope you've been more creative than me! ;)

I have a giveaway (below) too, if you're interested...


  1. O if it was all only so easy as the playing around part. I do like your triangle arrangements though. Cherrie

  2. popping on over from kootoyoo. First time here to your blog and I have to say I love your designs. They are so unique. Off to look more!

  3. Ooh, I like the little triangled butterflies/moths in the bottom shots!
    The are angles are narrower.
    (we've been discussing angles in homework this week!)xx

  4. A screen, how exciting! I'm sure you'll be hooked. Looks like a great way to test different designs :-)

  5. what a great way to use different designs x

  6. Love the way you've cut those pieces up to move around in your process of deciding on the final design.

  7. fun! can be like that with committing to a design task!! it's looking gorgeous ~ hopefully you'll hit an ah-ha moment soon :)

  8. Love these triangles - love how creative you are Kylie - brilliant xox
    A xx

  9. Deccision making is terrible! Ponder ponder ponder - it sounds so familiar! The righ design will pop up eventually - most likely when you're fed up with it all! LOL :)

  10. Your triangles look fun. Sometimes I need that, time away from what I'm working on. That's when the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. I'd say your Atomic design is well on it's way. : )

  11. Bottom left triangles is working for me. I love the playing part- the limbo where ideas begin to grow. Good luck!

  12. you've certainly been amusing me...I like! Top left and bottom right jump out at me in particular x

  13. Is it any consolation that when it comes to burning screens I am always FROZEN by indecision? Approximately seventeen fabric designs in my head but all requiring a screen to move further, so it never ever happens. AAARGH!

  14. what is burning screens? * scrathcing head* is that a dumb question? Why does everyone know what you are talking about 'cept me???

  15. ooh, I love your triangles, am intrigued by your printing process though ...

  16. procrastinating or not it always seems like you keep one eye open and one arm active during the night with everything you accomplish! i am always having pleasure-filled chills when i visit and see the newness happening in your nook. ♥

  17. Oh, that kind of frustration aint good, but I love the fact that procrastination for you is a still such a creative pursuit (my version usually ends up lying horizontally doing nothing!). All the very best with working it out (and I do like that each one is individual). Also love the triangle studies... you can never go wrong with this!

  18. I can get scattered like that too, can be so frustrating! I like the look of all you've got going, though.

  19. Funny how creativity can ebb and flow. I've got more ideas than time these days.... Happy weekend!
