Sunday, April 10, 2011

Giveaway winners

For the circle picture, the random generator has chosen Aušra and her blog is called Dreisena. 

And the random number came up for Kristina + Jason at Inaluxe for the ant farm picture.

Congratulations guys and many thanks to everyone for your support :)

Also, big thanks to this lovely blogger who has taught me how to finally do a buttonhole on my sewing machine! Yah! Thanks Jane :)


  1. Congratulations to the winners! And button holes are very satisfying things when you get them right aren't they? I worked in a sewing machine shop for a number of years while I was at uni and the smiles when somebody did their first one showed relief and satisfaction.

  2. Wow! it worked! Well done. How satisfying.

  3. Lucky winners & yes, once you nail button holes, they are your friend. Love Posie

  4. OMG! that is so awesome - I was so excited when we found out, I could not stop blabbing about it - thanks so much Kylie! It's very rare we win anything ever, and to have one of your gorgoeus originals is such a treat, and a treasure! will post pics up on the blog when it's all framed! Hip hip hurray for Kylie, and gorgeous ant farms. Big kisses xoxoxoxo K+J.

  5. Yay for the winners! And yay for button holes! It took me ages to work out the button holes on my new sewing machine!

    Button holes, zips and cables are all intimidating things until someone shows you how, then you look super accomplished to everyone else still waiting to be shown. :)

  6. congrats to the lucky winners!!!! and yah to button-hole mastery Kylie. ♥
