Monday, April 11, 2011

Inspiration: Maria Ikonomopoulou

I'm not sure 'inspiration' covers it here... I am in love and in awe of the magnificent work of Maria Ikonomopoulou. The exquisite stitches on black + white photography, the irony and subtext in each composition. It's clever and witty and just plain gorgeous! :)
See more on her website.

We're off on school holidays for a week or so... and I could think of no better images to leave on my front page for a while :) 

So excited about the holidays... I'll be doing some reading, crocheting and maybe some embroidery too. I'll be teaching my big girl about taking black + white photography with a fully manual SLR (old school). Next holidays I'll teach her how to develop her B+W films. If you're on holidays too, hope you have a fun time :)


  1. I've never seen anything like this before -
    love it Kylie!

    Hope you guys have fun with the SLR. What a great thing to teach her instead of relying on the digital to do it all for you. (that takes the creativity out of it!)xx

  2. I have never given up the old SLR. There's a quality to those pics that just doesn't happen with the footloose and fancy free digital version. Maria Ikonomopoulou has an avid new admirer.

    Happy hols sweetie!

  3. Wonderful images I've been an admirer of her work for some time, something to aspire to!

  4. WOW! I love it. people are so clever, I am constantly amazed at the brilliance of peoples ideas. I love that the internet allows all this wondrfulness to be shared so easily!

  5. Sooooooooooo stunning - not seen anything like it before. Will scoot over to see more now.
    Have a great break!

  6. they are truly stunning images, Kylie. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a fantastic break and by the way, I hope your big girl realises she has the most awesome Mum in the world, teaching her all these wonderful creative skills x

  7. i love these kylie what a fabulous find... happy holidays... i'll be in touch soon. x

  8. total creative stimuli! good gosh, i'm in love with the girls buttoning coats and those bubbles in the bg. really cool find, thanks for the gasps & gulps lades. happy new week! ♥

  9. Awesome work!
    Have a wonderfull time Kylie!!XX

  10. Great finds...I love seeing the creativity of inspiring :)

    (I really like the first one...there is something so intimate about the fact that the photographer/artist captured a "secret")

  11. Amazing work - I love it.
    Have a splendid holiday Kylie.
    A xx
