Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Back again

Back from our mountain retreat and I'm missing this view so much.
I wasn't as active as the rest of the fam (a bit unwell) but I did get a lot of crochet and 
embroidery done in the perfect silence broken only by the occasional whip bird.
I went on some safe walks in the rainforest...

The girls had a few turns on the Flying Fox (you might also know it as a Zip-line) 
sailing 180m down the hill, 25m above ground...

... found hidden pools and waterfalls...

I found a new crazy bark to add to my collection... isn't it amazing? 
It was like a beehive honeycomb structure...

... and on the last day it rained and rained, which was kind of nice too :)

If you're on holidays too, I hope it's been a restful and happy one :)


  1. Your mountain retreat looks wonderful. I am glad you and the girls had a good time. I got back on Sunday from a week in Sydney, and while it was not a holiday per say, it was great to get out of my normal routine. Happy Easter.

  2. Oh, yum. Even the rain bit. Maybe especially the rain bit (even more conducive to the crochet business).

  3. Looks like so much fun!!! Love the pics:-)

  4. I'm on holidays, yippee, but i brought your rain to you, sorry, since Friday afternoon when we hit the Qld border, it's rained non stop, alas, today i took the children for a swim regardless. Love Posie

  5. Looks so fresh and revitalising. Hope you are feeling better! X.

  6. Yay for holidays, but sorry to hear you were a bit unwell. Hope you've come back feeling relaxed and recharged by your time away though. That bark is strange indeed. Great find. :)

  7. wow, those photos, what a fantastic place!! love that birdsong too :)

  8. what a wonderful place to rest and crochet! : )
    hope you feel better.

  9. Welcome back Kylie!
    Hope you're feeling better now, looks like you had a lovely place to relax!XX

  10. looks like a perfect sort of holiday.
    thank bark is amazing xo

  11. I meant that bark ( thank Bark- i worry about myself sometimes...x

  12. Ah, getting away...
    so good for the mind.

    Looks like it was a nice rest x

  13. Dear Kylie,
    Welcome back! You were missed.
    I received my GORGEOUS collar in the mail and was thrilled and delighted. It is beautiful and a wonderful addition to my collection of collars.
    I hope you are feeling better.

  14. That looks like a great holiday Kylie, altho sad to hear you were unwell. I hope your back to your usual fine fettle x

  15. how lovely to retreat with your family. hope you are feeling better too.
    and can we see your projects??


  16. i can't tell you how much i love this blogworld. seeing what other people are doing all around the world. the different cultures, the different views. makes the planet seem a lot smaller. hope you're feeling a bit better and that the mountains and time with your family did you some good. x

  17. Your mountain enviroment looks great. Hope you feel better Kyile, Happy Easter.

  18. What a beautiful place! I think i need to go somewhere as peaceful and breathtaking!

    Camila F.

  19. Happy to have you back here! I hope you are better as well- but how lovely it sounded- the all quiet and you crocheting in peace- oh heavenly, really Kylie- and the zip-line crazy thing- what fun for the girls-yay- it sounds like a great vacation!for all-Happy Easter my sweet friend-xx

  20. Wow, those pictures hit me! Beautiful!

  21. Ooooh, your holiday looks like it was wonderful! So good for the soul. I love the Whip bird call, beautiful!
