Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Creative Space - Fabric first

A friend of mine asked me to make her a dress. It was one of those requests where there are no firm guidelines about what she actually saw in her mind so I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do. It wasn't until I read Ingrid's wonderful post about Zandra Rhodes that I realised how I'd gone about it. [Don't get me wrong here, I'm NOT suggesting any comparable link between myself and the magnificent Zandra!] I just thought it was interesting how one approaches dress design; the process you develop for yourself... and I realised I start with the fabric, it's all about the fabric really.

So, I began by designing a fabric for my friend... pottering around with colour and pattern and placement until I'd put together a design that screamed her name to me...

... I added detail to draw it all together...

... then I threw it over the mannequin and just looked at it... I was looking at how the fabric draped and thinking about what kind of dress design would best suit it.

I started playing around with a few ideas, pinning the fabric into shape to see if it would work, and I think I've decided on the style on the right (below).

I'll just play with some details around the neckline and then I'll start cutting and sewing :)

What's in your creative space today? Visit Kirsty at Kootoyoo to see more.


  1. Oh wow, so impressive, it looks great.

  2. You blow my socks off with your creative processing.

  3. omg! totally agree with tania!
    this is brilliant. and yes to sweden!

  4. I'm with Tania, gobsmacked by your creativity. And seriously in love with this new print/fabric, I think it's my favourite so far. ( in a very very high league)
    you're amazing.

  5. Wow, I love your work! It's brilliant, Kylie! x

  6. Wow. I'm totally impressed, and it's so very cool to see your process. What a completely unique piece of clothing she'll have!

  7. That is a complete SHOW STOPPER, who could possibly walk past that without asking "who is the amazing person who made that??" Love Posie

  8. Hi Kylie, This always was such an inspiring place to visit and it still is, more than ever! It's been a while since I dropped by, hope you've been well and happy. ps. Happy Birthday for the other day! : )

  9. ooh, the artcamp thing sounds perfect! i think she did one last year, so chances are. how fun would it be ;)

  10. You've taken my breath away!! WOW, those colours on that gorgeous natural fabric just beautiful!

  11. I can not for the life of me remember how I stumbled across your blog, but I do know that with each new post I am grateful for the chance click that led me here. Your fabric design is amazing. The layering, tones and textures are perfect. Loving the idea of a simple style that shows off that fabric! :)

  12. I need a pattern to even consider making a dress, so I am so impressed at how you can just play around with ideas and come up with something so original and stunning. I am sure your friend will love it!

  13. Amazing fabric design, Kylie! Your friend is so lucky to have a unique 3sheets-dress! It looks rad already - probably don't know what superlatives to use when it's ready! :) You can see you really enjoyed making this especially for her! :)

  14. WOW!!!!!! This is sensational - really. I love those raw little details around the neckline too. Great job!

  15. Wow - super impressive and beautiful. I just love your fabric!

  16. amazing fabric! I love what you did with it - seems like great fun!

  17. I'm watching excited how your created the fabric! Just amazing!

  18. What a wonderful way to start a dress. So happy to see it!

  19. i simply find your creative process a complete and utter inspiration. thank you for sharing the steps and thought patterns that bring you to the end result. which is STUNNING!

    standing ‘O’, from a reader who loves what you do! ♥

  20. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY A GENIUS!!???? I am having heart palpatations over that. I love it so much, I would buy it in a shop if I saw it and would justify paying a lot for it!!! I think it is one of the best things I have ever the first picture I thought it was a little smock with sleeves and was over the moon excited... i like what you ended up doing but i love a smock... I am going to keep coming back and looking at this for days!!!

    I love it! I love the fabric so much.

    I am jealous of your friend who i hope appreciates your brilliance.

  21. Great to see the process Kylie. I like your style. Happy Birthday for Wednesday too!

  22. You are amazing Kylie!
    I think that is one of the most inspired and stunning dresses I have ever seen. Wow! And thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  23. That fabric is absolutely incredible Kylie. I love it. The colours and textures are so beautifully combined. The dress is going to be absolutely amazing.

  24. Hi Kylie,
    I am in awe of your creative talents and see lots of connections between your work and Zandra's. Do drop by to see some close-ups of her work that you might find inspiring.

  25. You are the bomb K. I mean that with all my heart. You don't need any course - it's innately in you. Aim high and soar. MP XXXOOO

  26. that is the most stunning fabric
