Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Times like these you think about the years that have gone by...
So much has happened but it really isn't that long when you think about it.
Count the years by haircuts, start blond but end black.
Thinking of growing my hair again...
What a funny thing it is to be getting older and yet be feeling so much younger at heart.
[Perhaps this is a middle-aged ramble!]

Happy Birthday to Me :)


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to you Kylie! I hope your day is wonderful and full of the things you love the most.


  2. Happy Birthday Kylie! What a beautiful photo collage! Love it - maybe I should make one of Christina and I and really confuse people? Hope you have a wonderful birthday day.

  3. Happy birthday Kylie! Have a fab day! xx

  4. God you're gorgeous! Happy birthday sweetie. Can't help but dig the red 'do' too. x

  5. HAAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kylie!!!! Hope you have the best day and get spoilt rotten!
    Love seeing all these pics of the different eras of Kylie xoxo

  6. What a beautiful smile you have! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Kylie. 44 seems like a lucky number. I hope this year brings many good things your way. Enjoy every minute. Best wishes!
    P.S. Will there be cake?

  7. Happy Birthday Kylie! Hope your having a lovely day and being spoilt. Love the collage. :)

    (Love the red too. My hair colour has a similar history - blonde, bright red and now black.)


  8. big big happy birthdays to you miss k! great collage. love seeing how your face hasn't changed AT ALL in 44 years! just the hair colour. for me, every day is a middle-aged ramble. x

  9. Fabulous birthday montage - and what a little cutie!!! Happy Birthday Jylie - hopes it's the best yet!!

  10. Happy, hapy birthday, sweet Kylie!!
    *throws Kylie in the air*
    Wishing you a big cake and all your wishes granted! :) Make it a fun day and I love your mosaic - so cute!

  11. Happy Birthday, lovely Kylie! In fact, Happy Birthday, almost twinnie! It was my birthday on Sunday...only unfortunately I've a couple of years on you...and as my children kindly said "Mum, you're closer to 90 now than 0!" Lovely thought ;-(

  12. Happy Happy Birthday to you Kylie! Love seeing you with all your cool cuts. LOVE the red hair, if you do grow it long, perhaps thing about matching it to your shoes?? xxx

  13. Happy Birthday dear Kylie, enjoy your day!

  14. What a great way to track the years. :) Happy, happy birthday!

  15. Great montage. You rock all those hair colours!
    Happy Birthday dear, Hope its a fantastic year :-)
    (lovely pisces like mr f, not surprised :-)

  16. happy belated 44th kylie {sorry for being absent ~ we lost our phone and internet connection this week! got a temporary measure in place}. cool photos!
    hope you had a great day! happy to hear about being younger as you get older, it's the best.

  17. What a great collage - Kylie through the ages. Happy birthday to you. I'm so glad I found your blog. x

  18. yahhhhh! happy birthday wine glass rides again! congrats and what a wonderful photo grid you made, adorable as anything. loved seeing you through the years.

    by now, i think you know how amazing i think you are and cheers to our continued young-mindedness! xo ♥

  19. happy birthday week!!!
    i love all the pictures...thanks for sharing them!!!!
    i hate that i missed your b-day computer is getting fixed and i can only hop on my husband's here and there.....
    anyway...once again...happy happy birthday....
    love that red hair

  20. Ooh, sorry to be late - but happy birthday Kylie! Hope you had a wonderful day xx

  21. ooops! way too late! but still: happy birthday kylie! sure you had a good one!

  22. Sorry Kylie, I missed this! Belated Birthday wishes to a lovely lady! I hope you had a nice time x
