Sunday, March 13, 2011

Grand designs

I've been looking at some of my birthday presents and am struck by the volume of good design out there. What do you think of these lovelies?... can you guess what they are?

Paper napkins! Design is everywhere these days... maybe it always was?

My sister gave me some wonderful towels from design-legend Orla Kiely...

... and the Mr did promise (and plant) me a rose garden. More of a grand design, symbolic and decorative :) I'm feeling very privileged, lucky + loved.

Hope it's a good weekend for you too.


  1. Happy Birthday! What lovely pressies, especially the rose garden - so thoughtful and personal! Hope you have a great day! :)

  2. Oh Kylie, that is so romantic...a rose garden. Wonderful! Can you send me the link to your FB account, I couldn't find it. Happy Birthday weekend lovely xxx

  3. Hey, those napkins are so you - the colours and style! I think the whole world has become so design savvy over the last decade. When I had my first child twelve years ago there was nothing of great style for babies clothing and nursery decoration. Now one could argue it's all become a little excessive in that area....just for an example...what do you think? hey thanks for your lovely blog comment - I've sent you an email re lino tute! XXX.

  4. Beautiful garden - fresh & inviting! Happy Birthday Kylie.
    My visual eye scannned your pics before reading info, and I was certain they were your designs (re: napkins) how very you.

  5. gorgeous napkins! At first I thought they were one of your screen prints, the designs are so you (they weren't were they??) And look at your beautiful rose garden! I would love something so pretty outside our house...enjoy ;-)

  6. what a lovely mr you have. beautiful. x

  7. Sorry it has taken me so long to get here... but beautiful gifts. You lucky thing. The colours seem so you and I love the roses!

  8. The rose garden will bloom with love every year. What a romantic gift!!

  9. great gifts! specially the rose garden. agree that the napkins look like your work :)
