Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Inspiration: Golden Ink

I do seem to have quite a jewellery bias in my inspiration folder these days, but how can one not with so many inspiring jewellery peeps out there? Have you heard of these guys? Golden Ink are Abby and Kate, a professional bookbinder and a fine artist specialising in printmaking... and (sorry I know it's terribly parochial of me) but they're Australian too :)

Organic shapes in fine porcelain, their pieces are individually handcrafted and painted... they even fire them in their own kiln. Truly handmade goodness I think :)

Golden Ink sell their amazing jewellery on their website here and they have a blog too. You can see Abby's individual work here and Kate's here.

Now, I found these guys via a really great blog called Grey Grid Paper. Amy is constantly amazing and inspiring me with her finds. Well worth a visit. Thanks Amy!  :)


  1. OH LOVE LOVE LOVE! I'm really going to have to buy some pieces, we both should :) I especially love that necklace that looks like a chunk of yellow honeycomb! Oh and the cup with a bunting pattern is also too perfect. Thanks for the blog love, I am glad you like it. Feeling very special xo

  2. Awesome!!!I want them all!!Thanks for finding these 'gems' Kylie!

  3. They are beautiful, but am I the only one who would be scared for breaking them? Maybe it is just me, but I know how many dents are in my silver bangle, I don't know that a porcelain one would last long with me! But they are stunning.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing these lovely girls and their amazing creations. OMG I think I'm in love ♥

  5. So cool. Love those silhouettes...

  6. Supernice!
    Love the dress you're making too

  7. kylie, thanks for the info on these two, i love their designs. such statement pieces to hold dear for all time. Australia is bursting with lovely creatives hey?! oh yes it is!!!

    gotta check this new blog out too! cheers. ♥

  8. I hope you don't mind, but I've nominated you for a blog award on my blog. :)

  9. Oh my gosh, I'm trying to contain my excitement because these are so beautiful!!

  10. they are so lovely that I pinned them in my pinterest!
    (thank you Kylie for your donation ❤)

  11. thanks, following them on facebook now.

  12. Good find Kyile. Have to take a closer look at the rings!
