Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Creative Space - Acetate brooch

When we went to the trade fair last year, I was gifted some acetate samples to use with my silversmithing. I've been looking at them for a while now wondering what to do. Suddenly, inspiration... driven by the fact that our lovely Belgian friend from Theo is visiting in a couple of weeks and I wanted to be able to gift him a thank you.

So here's the plan... 
Muslin-rolled silver backing with acetate and silver layers riveted to back plate.

It hasn't been filed, polished or anything yet in these pics. Tackling the soldering at home today (first time at home!) I have my fire extinguisher and fire blanket ready just in case ;)
Here's hoping it all comes together well.

So, what's in your space today? Big thanks to Kirsty at Kootoyoo for hosting creative spaces.


  1. Just the fact that you NEED a fire extinguisher and fire blanket at the ready makes me come over all excited. Adrenaline Craft! Have FUN. (In a non-burny sort of fashion).

  2. So very creative, you! I'm still loving the texture on that metal!

  3. you are amazing Kylie, I know i say it often but I'll keep saying it because it's true. I love visiting your space and getting a glimpse in to that incredibly creative mind.
    the brooch is gorgeous BTW xoxo

  4. Another freakishly amazing and exciting creative space. You are genius.

    EXTREME craft. Love it!!

  5. wow - so great. I like that you mulled over this. Looks fab unpolished!

  6. I have a picture in my head now of you sitting with your fire blanket over your knees soldering away :-)
    Always love your brooches!

  7. mmm, not a fire extinguisher! you are amazing.
    the brooch is so cool!

  8. love all those colours in the top pic. looking forward to seeing it finished. x

  9. What a great idea -- it's looking really good.

  10. Awesome! You are definitely all fired up with creativity these days!X

  11. I love this brooch! Colour, texture and form. It is wonderful to see your design esthetic shining through whether it is jewellry design or textile.

  12. Love it, gorgeous, love the simplicity on its style/design

  13. great idea kylie!! And I see you still got lots of material, ha.
    So funny that you know that guy
    from THEO :^)

  14. oh my gosh, so cool! love the intro to a new substrate, that's always exciting. hope it's all turned out to your liking lades! and NO fire starting occurred, yipes. ♥

  15. It feels like ages since I've made anything... which is normal for me after having a show. But I'm starting to get the itch. Your weekly creative journeys are so inspiring. Kudos!
