Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Home again: Postcard from Amsterdam

Back from my travels to a Brisbane flush with rain... everything is so green :) The last two weeks have rushed by in a blur but we've had a wonderful time.

Firstly, a postcard from Amsterdam.... What a fabulous place! Favourite find: The Otherist. Part curio shop, gift shop and stationers, you can have a peek at their website and blog. Somehow I failed to take a photo :(

I did, however, snap a couple of very cute window displays... This one showcased a collection of french knitting spools (from memory, I think it was someone's home, not even a shop!)

And this window display – a shop that sells only tin boxes... can you imagine such a treat? :)

We were also totally intrigued to see stickers like this one (below) all over Amsterdam... BNE is the anagram for Brisbane, so that was pretty spooky ;) Not wanting to arrogantly assume that this is what they stand for, I was wondering if anyone knows for certain what they mean?

Hope you've had a great fortnight. I'll be around visiting soon, but I think I'll be collapsing into bed for now... these 24 hour flights are killers ;)

More 'postcards' to follow this week. Tomorrow, it's Antwerp :)


  1. I love Amsterdam! We were supposed to spend three days there and it turned into two weeks. We bicycled around the country side and explored the canals, food stops, floating flower market and the laundromats, being backpackers. I dragged Dave to every gallery too. :)

    Can't wait to hear more of your travels.

  2. Oh Amsterdam is so cool, all those bridges & canals, i like the Dutch, although they just make me feel short & fat. Love Posie

  3. welcome back from your lovely trip! I think if I was there in front of the store with only tin boxes I'd go nuts... :) so good!
    Looking forward to see more! :)

  4. Hey, K, great to see you back! Glad you've had such a fab time in Amsterdam and thanks for sharing your great shop finds. I love foreign shop windows, such a breath of fresh air! Hope you recover very quickly from jet lag ;-) K xx

  5. Sounds like a fantastic time. Looking forward to hearing more!

  6. I was in Amsterdam the past weekend but didn't see any of the city as I was at a fair meeting up with friends. I love the spool collection.
    Did you read this article by BNE in the Times?

  7. loved all your postcards :)
    love those knitting spools
    what a great trip

  8. Eeeek! Gorgeous!

    Just to let you in on a secret...I'm not planning anything. All I can think about is the click & making a texture in photoshop. x

  9. Hi from a fellow Aussie! I love those knitting spools. I think that anyone who visits Amsterdam takes a photo of that window. Many of them post their photo on Flickr. So to see the collection gradually changing/growing is fantastic. I am also a knitting spool collector - see - http://spoolknitter.blogspot.com - I also manager the Spool Knitter Flickr group, and I am the current moderator for the Yahoo Spoolknitter Group. ... cheers, Maz (Victoria)
