Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Postcard from Antwerp

We were only in Antwerp for a day and it was mostly work but this is definitely a favourite place for more visits in the future. A new find, suggested by Mady at Abundance, was the new concept store Ra. A couple of pics from here are below. It was an amazing space with installation spaces for fashion, books and music...

The highlight of Antwerp for me though was meeting up with Renilde from At-Swim-Two-Birds. Thanks Renilde! :)


  1. *Waves* :) SO glad you had a great time in Antwerp and SO sorry I couldn't be there! Next time I hope! :)

  2. oh how lovely! antwerp looks v pretty and so good to meet blog friends. x

  3. What a shame I didn't know you were going to be in Antwerp, I would have popped over for a coffee! ;) XO

  4. so cool you met her! I love her art!

  5. I love the photo of you and Renilde!
    hi hi

  6. Kyle I am stuck on your blog listening to 'everyone wear sunscreen' I love this tune! I am now late to pick up D from school! ha. Cant wait to see your London pics, sad we didn't get to meet :( x

  7. nice photo of renilde and you! glad you liked antwerp!

  8. I'm touched :-) hope you're a bit recovered from your trip.

  9. I adore that last photo! Two bloggers I admire! Have a nice weekend.

  10. hi kylie - loving your trip pics and posts! so jealous i want to go again too. id forgotten about the lace shops in bruges.

  11. woweeeee! that's a great photo of you and Renilde Kylie! So pleased that someone from Australia got to catch up and meet Renilde too! Yeeeeah!
