Monday, September 13, 2010

Loose ends + sojourns

I've been a bit absent around here lately... (there's a lot going on)... but I have managed to grab the odd spare moment to crochet in the loose ends on my hexagon blanket. Loving my loose ends pile :) I'm on the home stretch now – crocheting a border around the blanket (just two rows of a double crochet stitch) and it will all be done :)

Now, about the sojourn... There are some beautiful French words that have been incorporated into the English language, but I think my favourite is "sojourn"... it has such a slumberous feeling to it that suggests the very best kind of holiday or break.... and that's just what's been 'going on' chez 3 Sheets... I've been getting ready for my annual sojourn to a trade fair in Paris.

Very exciting, even if it is going to be more work than play. I don't think there'll be a lot of sojourn-ing going on though... We'll be hopping around all over the place – Amsterdam, Antwerp, Bruges and London as well as Paris, and rushing back to Brisbane in time to spend the last week of the school holidays with our girls :) Looking forward to meeting up with this lovely lady in Antwerp.

So, tomorrow I'll be looking out at clouds with delicious anticipation. See you in two weeks! :)


  1. You've got my two fav colours there I'm afraid!!

    I am very envious of you right now, I know this is for work, but you will still have such a great time! I do miss London. But Paris - how fabulous! And meeting up with a blogger friend too! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back!!xJennie.

  2. Your crochet is looking magnificent! Such gorgeous colours & I love the hexagon & border. Have a fabulous time in Paris, you very lucky duck!

  3. Brava you almost finished.
    Have a grat time in Europe.

  4. Oh my! How exciting! Have a wonderful time Kylie. Paris must be one of the coolest places for a trade fair. I've only ever been to trade fairs at the Brisbane convention center! :)

    The blanket looks fantastic. I love the way you mix colours. The combination is perfect.


  5. The border looks great, brings it all professionally together. Yay for finished projects. Au revoir! Cherrie

  6. Enjoy Kylie! So sorry I had other plans when you're in Belgium! Next time for sure! Enjoy! :)

  7. What a lot of work, but well worth it! (The blanket.)

    Have a great sojourn--hope you get a little resting in too!

  8. Dear Kylie,
    How you manage to create a beautiful blanket in a time of frantic goings on is simply amazing!
    Have a wonderful trip!

  9. see you soon Kylie!
    the blanket is lovely :)

  10. wow, have a fabulous sojourn! love your blanket. c'est tres jolie. x

  11. Your rug is sooo beautiful - great accomplishment!

  12. hey! super-hexagon-grannys! :o)
    I work in white.
    much more fun!

    greetings from germany, from saxonia, from gisa :o)

  13. Love the rug! Could you give us crochet novices a pattern to try that design?

  14. Your finished blanket is awesome... I always knew it was going to be.
