Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Creative Space - Shopper bags

I'm playing along with Kirsty's My Creative Space meme this week. Join in or have a peek at other creative spaces over at Kootoyoo.

This week's preoccupation was making shopper bags. I had some hessian which I screenprinted with two layers of design. I wanted to add something more but the wide weave of the hessian made this difficult so I added some of my banksia screenprints from months and months ago. It was good to finally use them. I've made up two bags so far, experimenting with the handle design... still not sure which one looks best. Any preferences? Have a happy creative space day!


  1. Love them Kylie! are they going to your store?
    I think I prefer the second row, as far as the handle goes- but its a tough choice!
    Have a lovely day,
    Annamaria xx

  2. These are really lovely. Both handles are pretty - I think it would depend on which one fits best and feels toughest.

  3. ooh, tricky decision because I love them both! Gut reaction was number 2, but the more I looked I loved the first too. That didn't help did it?

  4. Lovely design Kylie. I think I prefer the top line,but I like them both. Are they going in your shop?

  5. Stripey handles! Stripey handles! Stripey handles!

    But they're both very pretty :)

  6. I prefer the top line too.

    They look wonderful've done a gorgeous job.

  7. Beautiful Kylie. I like the stripey handled one but they are both look great. It was hard to choose! I love your space as always...

  8. they both look amazing and i especially the stripy handles - they add so much

  9. i think they are both fab, but i do like the stripey handle!

  10. I like the stripes added to the pattern mix, and have found that people like to be able to easily throw the bag over their shoulder. I mean the handles, not the whole bag. That'd be silly. And these bags are lovely. Great combo.

  11. These are fantastic - much nicer than the boring green bags in coles. Definitely the stripey handles.

  12. these are so pretty, you photographed them well...I like the top with out the stripes a tad more..but they all are lovely

  13. They are both lovely it's hard, but maybe the stripeys..
    Either way they are beautiufl

  14. Yeah, as I was reading this, I was wondering how you could print on hessian. I had similar problems trying to print onto a coarsely woven linen recently. The screen can't sit flat enough.
    The stripey handles are nice but I like the other design because your lovely surface designs aren't being obstructed. Can you those the stripey handles the same?

  15. I loooooooooooooooooooooooove it!! Looks beautiful!!!

  16. Both look fabulous but I do fancy the stripey handle one xo

  17. I like the stripe handles definitely and good thing you couldn't add any more because they are perfect the way they are! Those are for very classy market shopping in Europe! xo Meagan.

  18. speechless! love them all.

    straight to the shop please!!!

  19. They are great!!! I think I like the first set more just because it doesn't take away from the work on the bag :)

  20. I'm on the stripey handle team. Gorgeous work.

  21. cute, cute cute cute cute....i love them all :)

  22. these are so great! i think i like the first ones best, but then the bold stripes hold it all together too. some of each?? wondering if you are putting them in your shop too . . .

  23. love both the handles, but the long ones would probably make it more durable?? They look great though!

  24. I love all of your bags, they are beautiful. I really like the colours Kylie and the rustic feel of the hessian!:)

  25. What lovely bags. I like the bottom design best, the way the handle overlaps the design give a nice depth.

  26. Wonderful, wonderful bags Kylie. I love the contrast with the hessian and your soft designs. As for the handles, I think they both look great but I am drawn more to the stripes.

  27. The are both beautiful but I think I prefer the handles on the outside - the stripe looks great.

  28. great bags kylie! top handles for me. the stripe distracts me a bit from the rest of the bag.

  29. i like the stripey handles best. but then my favourite bag is the one on the top right - the colours in it look so good. these are perfect for shopping - well done!

  30. Love them. But I really prefer the top pics as the stripey ones detract from your wonderful print (for me... I can see there is a range of views!).
    I was actually wondering if you were ever going to sell anything with that marvellous print on it. Are these going in your shop? DIBS!

  31. These are lovely - both handles are great, but probably the bottom one appeals the most - stripes do for me everytime! Nic xx

  32. I love them both! I think I'd pick stripey handles if I had to, but I think they're both brilliant!

  33. Stripes! I vote one Stripes! Love that banksia print.

  34. Oh, that's hard. They are both so lovely--but I think I am drawn more to the second.

  35. Love, love, love the bags! Like someone else said it was the second stripy handles that grabbed me first but then when I went back to look the first bags are great too - either or!!!! x

  36. oh i hate decisions like that...but i thinking the stripy ones ...but both are loooovely :)

  37. love the top one too! The Banksia printing is very cool, I really love seeing Australian Botanicals used in fabric prints.

  38. top row is my fave.
    have you lined these as well?

    I think you should make general purpose bags because there's so much detailed work in these that they almost seem like overkill for a shopping bag. I would love a casual shoulder bag in one of your creations, with some little pockets inside for phone etc. That's my wish for the day.

    Truly stunning work Kylie.

  39. Fabulous! I love the top one a little more just because the design is left to itself I think. I love the idea of printing onto hessian too!

  40. Kylie they are absolutely stunning!!!
    they look too good for just shopping.

  41. I love the top ones when it comes to the handles. And I agree with Cathie above me: they are too good for just shopping! Beautiful!
