Friday, November 6, 2009

Red Shopper

Thank you so much for all your amazing comments about the shopper bags. The two from my creative space are already spoken for (they've been on my to-do list for so long!). So, I've taken on board your comments and have come up with some ideas for ones I might put in the shop. I don't have many of my banksia screenprints left so I decided to follow the atomic theme of the other screenprinting and sew on a 1960s image. Also, I've added a handy dandy pocket. I have absolutely no idea what to charge for them either... I was thinking about $25. Seems a bit much for a shopping bag, but it's actually cost me more than that in materials etc. That's the problem with hand-made, isn't it? It's why I'd rather give things away. What do you think?


  1. You are right - it is the "problem" with hand made ever sincs factories pops out in china and sells everywhere at very (very) low, but I just think (in my making) that I am not compiting with that, but, rather selling to those who know how to value handmade item,and I think that this should be in mind when calculatin item selling price.
    So as for your lovely shopper,I agree this shoulb be around 30-36 $.

  2. Your shopper bags are pretty bloody awesome, Kylie. :o) Yep, handmade always seems expensive, but worth it... it's just that so many people don't really understand that.

  3. I tend to think that the only people who appreciate handmade items are people who also make handmade. They are the only people who understand time + effort + materials = cost. I'm sure someone with oodles of style will snap up those gorgeous bags though lady :)

  4. Awesome shopping bag, and yes, I totally get the "giving things away" comment too. Pricing is a hard one... I would pay $35.00 for a shopper. :) Nice!

  5. I love the red on that, Kylie - awesome. And it's so much more than a shopper isn't it? A work of art. The age old problem of time/materials etc v worth. Definitely around the $35-$40 mark tho.

    P.S. Just been shopping to buy some natty new skinny jeans and funky sandals to go with my top ;-)

  6. Yeah, I think at least $40 too. They're not too expensive as they are a hand-made tote not your ugly cheap&nasty polyester green bag. Besides, when you are taking time to make things, you don't want them to sell quicker than you can make them.

  7. Wow Kylie! the red stripes make the bag hop and dance! Just looking at all the details, the pocket, etc, its so well made!
    I hear you about the pricing, but don't you think there will always be people out there who will appreciate the 'fullness' of beaty in a handmade item? I think so. And I think you should not undercharge, you should actually allow for some profit. Something to allow for a sense of reward for your marvelous work. You would say that to me, wouldn't you? Because its only fair,and because you are not trying to sell thousands of bags, therefore you are not competing with the mass producers- are you?
    Big Hug,
    Annamaria xx

  8. you should ask more, it is handmade and you're not a charitable institution, it is as you said, you can better give them as a present instead of asking only $25!
    when do you make all these stuff!!!!!!!!!

  9. They're brilliant Kylie! But $25 is way too cheap. You need to factor in materials and effort if you can. Pricing is so hard I know. Friends of mine keep telling me to sell some of my hand printed sewn garments but I can't because the cost would be so ridiculously high no-one would buy them. Sigh*

  10. kylie~ u know that pricing forumula: materials + labour x 2 {could be just for the wholesale price}?!!
    i know, if we all did that for everything, we wouldn't sell anything, but, it's helped a little for me {found in 'craft inc' by meg matteo}.
    i had an idea that you could make them handbags, rather than shoppers with all your features and gorgeous artwork and charge a decent price {people don't mind paying lots for handbags, especially handmade ones}. they are so one-of-a-kind pieces and as a handbag you could keep them going for longer . . .
    that said, i think they are fantastic and yes, at least $35 :)

  11. Kylie, couldn't agree more with gretchenmist, that's what I was trying to say in my previous comment. These bags are gorgeous, no question about it, but it's the wrong type of product if you want to make some money in the long term. There's always a cut-off point with pricing and the cut-off point for a shopper bag is much lower than it is for a hand bag or shoulder bag. People will spend much more on a hand bag than they would a shopper bag, it's the law of the market place i'm afraid. Someone like you who invests so much time in details and divinely intricate layers really needs to find a product that compliments your style .. I see you doing bespoke handbags (bespoke anything actually) or a fabric line or even framed textile art because you are more of an artist than a crafter. I think too you need to be clear about why you're doing this and the direction you're going with it .. if you eventually want to run a profitable business from your talent that's a big committment and a very different direction to just crafting individual pieces on a whim or inspiration. Both are fine. And they can co-exist but personally I find I have more focus if I'm completely clear about why I do what I do.

    Really hope that doesn't sound preachy .. not my intention. Just kicking around a few more ideas on this very interesting subject.

  12. The most important thing is that you enjoy making them! Keep doing what you are doing and you will find the right balance...i love your work and i think it is worth whatever you decide to charge. I think that bag is worth well over 50 bucks...i love the style.

  13. I love the bag - definitely worth a lot more then $25! Really interesting reading the other comments, esp about people's mindsets about buying a shopper vs a handbag. Good luck whatever you decide. x

  14. I'm upping the price with everyone else K. While I understand the dilemma, I'd happily pay more - it's shopping ART!

  15. oh my kylie your bags are so gorgeous and you must charge what you need to. don't undersell yourself these are beautiful and worth every cent of at least $35

  16. Pricing is a very hard challenge I think...Thanks for raising the subject.Your bags are beautiful and your work looks amazing!Good luck!

  17. You have your own shop!!!!! I am so glad I discovered this today. Congrats and good luck with it! The shopper bags are so cool.

  18. I think 25$ is certainly too cheap for all the materials and the labor put in there.
    People who buy handmade are willing to pay more for unique items. Don't undervalue your art, it's beautiful & the right customer will come along!
    Will there be two identical shoppers? Probably not so add that value to it!
    I love seeing the evolution in your work and seeing you trying out all different things.

  19. oh my gosh kylie, how gorgeous! i love it! i am always strugling with pricing, that's one thing i find very hard.

  20. The shoppers are amazing Kylie, and don't undercut yourself at all. Pricing has always been a struggle for me, I feel like I'm still not getting it right. I love the ideas mentioned by some of the others about one-off/bespoke handbags. Can't wait to see more!!
