Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Inspiration: Sara Ferrari

I guess it's not something I'd actually wear myself, but I really love the idea of this fabulous bracelet by the Italian designer, Sara Ferrari. Each layer combines to represent your age, in a roman numeral kind of way... hence the name, XCIX_Y Bracelet. The bracelet can be layered to show any age up to 99 years. The wooden pieces are made of walnut and show the decades, while the translucent plexiglas fill in the years in between. I love that her inspiration comes from trees (tree-love again!) and the way the age of a tree can be calculated by the layers of rings in its trunk. It's that idea of layering and being able to alter the positioning or parts that I find so inspirational. Also, while it's not something I'd actually wear, I could really see this as a piece of art on my wall... something that can be changed or added to as you clock up the years :) For additional pictures and info, or to purchase one, visit Ferrari's website.


  1. I agree with you Kylie, they are lovely to look at and the concept of time and layering is intriguing- but I don't think I would wear them either- I find it very hard to wear bracelets altogether.
    Have a lovely day,
    Annamaria xx

  2. They are amazing. What a clever idea! And you are right, they'd make a fantastic art piece

  3. i love the wooden bracelets with the engraving in. I'm a little put out that i'd only be allowed to live until 99...i was planning on hanging around for a looooooong time!


  4. This is awesome! Love the look as well as the idea.

  5. very cool...i remain awed in the talent of the artist out there!

  6. Love this Kylie. I love the stuff you're inspired by & the fact that you share it. x

  7. How cool!
    When you said Italian and wood, I immediately had to think about this shop:
    I absolutely LOVE it & I know you will too! ;)
