Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Inspiration: Aprile Elcich

I love the work of Toronto-based artist Aprile Elcich - it's just spectacularly original, fresh and thought-provoking. Her latest collage pieces are actually for an assignment on art and psychology, where Elcich has explored the vulnerability of mental illness. Visit Elcich's post about this work "When Skies are Gray" on her blog here. She also has a shop here and here. The photography used in the collages is the work of Bill Durgin.


  1. i have enjoyed her work ...very thoughtful

  2. Hi kylie! the other day I recivied your collage and I am truly amazed by it! it is so beautiful and well done. every little detail is just perfect. I will frame it and put it somewhere special:)

  3. Thanks Kylie, nice to find you and your blog : )

  4. i love aprile's work ~ so clever and thoughtful.

  5. What a great idea - I do calligraphy and collage on my own photos but these are really stunning!! Wonderful...
