Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Vote for Rebecca!

If you don't already know the lovely Rebecca from Edward & Lilly blog, I hope you'll pop over there and say hi to one of the most wonderful bloggers there is. Also, have a peek at her fabulous Christmas decoration doves. But most importantly, I hope you'll join me in voting for her on the Etsy Christmas Decoration Vote. I think she deserves to win. Help her along? Vote here!


  1. Aww, thanks Kylie, you're the greatest xx

  2. I just voted - she currently has 44 votes but only leads by 3!

  3. I just voted too! She definitely deserves this win!
    Sorry I have been quiet, I was at a show the whole weekend- I am feeling like a zombie today, but it went really well!!
    Have a lovely week!
    Annamaria xx

  4. I love the Edward and Lilly shop!:) I keep going back there and looking to see what's new. So voting was not a hard thing to do! Fingers crossed. :) thanks for posting this Kylie - soooo cool! I never look at the polls and would have missed this entirely!
