Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Art Exchange

Do you remember the collage I made for the Art Exchange a week or so ago? Well, I sent off my piece, happy to do so but not really expecting the promised pieces to come back in return... not in a mean way - I was happy to give it a go, but these things have a way of getting derailed, don't they? So, I think I must have just put it out of my mind... Sooo, when some packages arrived in the post yesterday I was wracking my brain thinking... I didn't buy anything off this person; I've never heard of them! ;) Now, before I lead you too far astray... only the last two images are from the art exchange... the last one is of some cards sent by Stephanie from Olive and Ruby on Etsy, and the one above it is an artwork by Jennifer from Field and Sea on Etsy. Aren't they just gorgeous? We're supposed to get 36 artworks back in this exchange (not entirely sure how that maths works but anyway...) I'm just so chuffed that two have found their way here! So, big thanks to Stephanie and Jennifer :)
Now, the images at the top of this post are actually something I bought (and forgot about!) So many things happening around here I'm surprised I remember anything. ;) These are the fabulous work of Brooklyn-based artist Jackie Bos. Aren't they fabulous? Visit her Etsy haven here :)


  1. just lovely surprises right and left ...blessings friend!

  2. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! thats' soooo cool! I love it so much - so glad you got something. :) I love Jennifer from Field and Sea - she's awesomeness! :)

  3. these are great kylie ~ love the pieces you bought too, thanks for the link :)

  4. kylie you find the most beautiful things, i love the 'i heart the arctic' book by Jackie Bos... thank you for the link... :)

  5. Just so gorgeous Kylie- how lovely that you are receiving something so special!
    Annamaria xx

  6. What a lovely surprise for you! The images at the top are just beautiful - I'll definitely be popping over once I've finished here. You just such a prolific poster that when I've not been on the net for a few days there's so much to catch up on!
