Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Creative Space - Embroidered brooches

I'm playing along with Kirsty's Creative Space meme this week. Pop over to Kootoyoo to see more.

My Creative Space this week was still about working on fabric designs for screenprinting, but I did get distracted when trying to tidy away things from my last project, the Loz & Dinny trimming dress. I just knew that if I put the fabric away it would get lost in the pile and I really wanted to be able to use it for something else. The embroidered panel from the dress inspired an idea... what about embroidered brooches? So, above is the result. Two so far. I really like them... Granny chic :)

I don't know if I'm ready for this but... I just listed these brooches on my new shop! *eek!* This is a big step for me. Typical that I do it on a day I'm so fragile! If you want to have a peek, it's here.


  1. Your brooches are beautiful Kylie! So much work too! Very granny chic indeed

  2. Gorgeous...! And congratulations on your shop!!woohoo!!

  3. I do love them. I always say that on your blog and I feel like a bit of a lame fan-stalker, but it's true dammit!
    SHOP????? Hurrah!! Bite that bullet girl.

  4. you go, girl!!! woo hoo!! i am so glad....i love your brooches and am so glad that you are going to sell them

  5. Yay kylie, hope the shop goes well for you.

  6. Yep, this made my day, I've been waiting for a shop!!!

  7. Great to see that youve taken the plunge. Im loving those broaches. Thanks for the kind words on my blog too. I'II email you about the patterns.

  8. What beautiful brooches! Congratulations on your shop too...hope you do really well~!

  9. Lovely brooches and congrats on the shop - how exciting!!!! Looking forward to some of your designs on fabric in there too sometime?

  10. wow, such exciting news about your shop ~ at last!
    glad to hear this. will check it out :)

    p.s. it's great that you can do something so positive on such a day.

  11. Your brooches are really beautiful Kylie. Good on you for being brave.

  12. Your brooches are gorgeous. I'm sure your shop will do really well.

  13. Kylie these are fabulous. The colours are amazing and the detail is exquisite.

  14. These must have taken ages to make! Wow - impressive! Big congrats on your new shop & I saw you already sold one of them! *does happy sale dance*

  15. Holy toledo lady! Talk about taking distraction to a whole new level - that stitching is sublime!

  16. I always wondered where you were going with all your incredible creativity and blogging and now we know. All the best for your new little on-line venture! The brooches are exquisite!

  17. these are lovely, Kylie. Good luck with it all, I've got no doubt it will all be a roaring success!

  18. A shop! Yay for you! You should so have one lady! I love your thinking ;)

  19. they are gorgeous...i love them...success for you !! :)

  20. If this is your first 'go' at brooch making...LOOK-OUT world. These are gorgeous. Well done. Peta

  21. Thay are excellent! and congrats on your first sale!!!

  22. oh the stitching...the colors so soft...i am so happy to be in your creative space today is open!

  23. Congrats on your shop!!! I recently opened one too..scarey indeed :P love the second one :)

  24. Oh they are very special!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog & for your lovely comment - I have that problem often also, when simpley floored by the amount of crafty goodness out there - so many of my comments are just;

    W... O.... W.... lol.

  25. Your brooches are lovely! Go for it!!

  26. Kylie! these brooches are absolutely beautiful, granny chic indeed! they must have taken hours to embroider, but so worth it... :)

  27. WOW I love these!!! I've been waiting for you to start selling your brooches I love them all. Im off to your shop now xx

  28. Lovely brooches!! I am not suprised that you have you have sold them already.

  29. Granny chic, taking the world by storm. Those brooches are wonderful, I'll bet that was some teeny tiny stitching.

  30. Good on you! The brooches are lovely.

  31. These brooches are so cool. Thanks for sharing them!
