Thursday, October 8, 2009


My lovely dad passed away 12 years ago today. Born in London between the wars. A 10 pound Pom at the age of 15, who loved Australia and never wanted to leave here. A fabulous cook and incredible artist. Loving and devoted father. He was so funny - his sense of humour was always there for us. Such a kind and gentle soul. Much loved and missed.


  1. It's so good to remember, isn't it? You look just like him :)

  2. You must miss him Kylie. You have his smile.

  3. That's too young, for you and for him. Enjoy your lovely sweet memories xx

  4. oh I see your smile in his...mine has been gone that long as well..memories sustain us

  5. What a lovely smiley man ... you've made me all teary x

  6. sending you some hugs for today! remember the good things,

  7. Thinking of you Kylie. I just posted too because I lost my father figure/Grandfather 7 years ago today too. Much, much, much love to you. Cat. xo

  8. It's lovely to see where you get your creativity, humour and smile from Kylie. He sounds as though he was a wonderful man.

  9. so glad you had a fabulous dad
    and such loving memories....
    thinking of you

  10. What a handsome man your father was. I see his features in you too. Thinking of you today.

    We were looking through old black and white photos last night and I was 'meeting' my husbands Grandparents for the first time through those photos. We are so lucky to be able to document things on film, aren't we.

  11. Wow, I can see the family resemblance! It's such a bittersweet thing to remember, isn't it? My dad passed away three and a half years ago, and I know the mix of happy reminiscence and ache of loss that goes with the remembering. Sounds like he was a pretty special dad!

  12. a lovely photo ~ and yes there is an amazing resemblance. i think we agree that these days get stranger and stranger ~ hope you are doing ok today :)

  13. Everyone is absolutely right - you definitely have your Dad's smile. Hope you are having some happy memories today of all the wonderfully fun times you had together.
    Sending happy thoughts your way.

  14. *hugs*
    You look like two drops! You never really get used to losing someone so close. Thank goodness for happy memories to make up for the absence.

  15. It is a brilliant photo, he looks like he is having the time of his life. Much love to you today.

  16. i'm glad that you still have happy memories of him. what a beautiful photo...and so Australian for that era.

  17. Sweet memories Kylie - it's good for the soul to sit quietly and remember...

  18. bless you kylie. beautiful post. x

  19. I can see you in his face. Lovely photo of him.
